Tag Archives: the sing off

Dirty Dog Diaries: Photo Evidence Of Boyz II Men Singer Shawn Stockman With Video Vixen Turned Vh1 Star He Was Chopping Down!

This affair is old news but this is probably the first photographic evidence we’ve seen of Boyz II Men singer and “The Sing Off” host Shawn Stockman with his “spiritual wife” aka the video jawn he was chopping down on top of his spouse for nine years. Since Shawn is a Hebrew Israelite, he was “allowed” more than one wife, but when she found out there were others besides her longtime sidepiece Avonte bounced. This is not new information, but we’re pretty sure it’s getting new life because Avonte is on the new season of VH-1′s “Tough Love Miami” and now Stockman has a new show as well, “The Sing Off.” Wonder if the folks at NBC were aware of this though… Wright’s VH-1 bio reads: At 36, Avonte is the oldest member of Steve’s Tough Love Bootcamp and perhaps the woman with the most to lose. Avonte spent the past 9 years as the mistress to a celebrity, wasting her late 20′s and early 30′s on a dead end relationship that left her with deep, emotional scars. Now, she’s back in the dating scene with no idea how to treat a prospective suitor and walls so high, it would take a rock climber to scale them. Trust is Avonte’s biggest issue and she constantly tests the men she dates to see if they are worthy of her affection. Her challenge at bootcamp is to show a softer side and open herself up to love again. And hopefully, this time it will be with a man who will value her as his one and only, and not his ‘woman on the side’. Not to rehash the whole deal, but Avonte was there before the wife, so she probably doesn’t feel bad about dude getting put on blast. Their relationship allegedly include lots of international travel, lavish gifts, cash and a small part on Boyz II Men’s “The Remedy album. Avonte is rumored to have spent time with Stockman at Johnny Wright’s compound in Miami while the project was being recorded. In a recent interview, Wright said: Once I left that situation and received counsel I see why everyone thought that I was in a “cult” because of the Religion that drove that relationship (referring to the Hebrew Israelites which Stockman practices). Conveniently enough, photos of the former couple have now surfaced on the web … Peep them here: Tough Love Miami premiers October 2nd on VH1.

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Dirty Dog Diaries: Photo Evidence Of Boyz II Men Singer Shawn Stockman With Video Vixen Turned Vh1 Star He Was Chopping Down!

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