Tag Archives: their-luxury

Anne Hathaway Copies Emma Stone and Makes a Difference of the Day

You’d think she could afford better stationary. I mean this cardboard box is a little too beat up and homeless. I mean just last week I started chatting up a girl with a sign that read “Hungry, Trying to Get Home, Anything Help”, I was trying to help her come up with a better slogan, and I’ll I got was “Will Suck Dick, but if you fear my rancid mouth, I’ll use my hand, in latex glove, for a dollar, don’t pay til you spray”….I figured she’d have higher impact on her hustle…I also thought maybe I could save her, but she when she went into withdrawal…and started convulsing I had to leave, I didn’t want to get blamed for her death… All this to say, Anne Hathaway reads gossip blogs, pays attention to what other “celebs” are doing, and copies them because she’s got no original thought at all… But more importantly, I’m not tired of celebs stealing from each other, in fact, I’d love them to do it in a death match… I am tired of them stealing from the poor, giving nothing back despite pretending to in the self righteous, self absorbed way…all while thinking they are fucking heroes in their luxury life… Fuck yourself Anne Hathaway. The rest of the pics HERE

Continued here:
Anne Hathaway Copies Emma Stone and Makes a Difference of the Day

Hot Ass but Failed Death of the Day

Yesterday there was a perfect opportunity to put an end to all things horrible in the world…The Kardashians, who on their luxury trip to wherever they are…went zip lining on a zip line that we wish couldn’t support the weight of all their shit….crashing into a fiery death…ridding the world of evil… Not that this actually happened yesterday, but it was posted yesterday, so I’ll go with their bullshit storyline, just like I’ll stare at the young ones ass, an ass one of the other ones says looks good in this video, because it does…thank you zip line harness…even though I hate you for not breaking… TO SEE THE PICS CLICK HERE

See more here:
Hot Ass but Failed Death of the Day

Mary-Kate & Ashley Get Shady for Their New Venture – Sunglasses

The Olsens add vintage-inspired shades to their luxury label The Row

Read the original post:
Mary-Kate & Ashley Get Shady for Their New Venture – Sunglasses

Monday’s Dancing with the Stars: What You Didn’t See

Osmond dolls (and birthdays), Gilles Marini and Butterfingers!

Read more from the original source:
Monday’s Dancing with the Stars: What You Didn’t See