Tag Archives: their-payroll

Sofia Richie Ass of the Day

Sofia Richie, daughter of Lionel…official daughter of Lionel…not like that mooch bitch Nicole…who just rode the family name harder than anyone…despite not even being his kid…and I guess that worked out ok for her..despite that fact that she’s married to a MADDEN BROTHER and those homos are the fucking lamest shit ever..Good Charlotte..remember that shit…that made them so much money despite them sucking each other’s dicks in what was masturbation not incest because they are twins… Point being, this one, knowing all about her insane inheritance doesn’t bother bettering herself, but instead has decided to date a kardashian, get on their payroll, travel around the world private jetting around, increasing her followers…sucking at life…perpetuating disgusting behavior…doing what you’d expect a lazy vapid cunt would do… Here she is…for no reason other than that I am a pervert who likes young rich sluts… Here she is in some tight leggings and a sports bra

Sofia Richie Ass of the Day