Tag Archives: their-pictures

This New Dating App Is Basically The Anti-Tinder

Willow is a new dating app that gets users talking first, then revealing their pictures later.

Continued here:
This New Dating App Is Basically The Anti-Tinder

Victoria’s Secret’s Swim Book of the Day

Victoria’s Secret is one of the most played out brands to ever exist, however, they do bikinis and lingerie, and the cast pretty decent babes to model those bikinis and lingerie, even if the babes they cast are garbage people like Behati Prinsloo, who marry people like Adam Levine…and even if their styling is boring, their pictures are safe, and a total misuse of these immigrant women who are begging to be exploited not celebrated….but they are still bikini pictures…on girls who should give everyday girls a complex about not being hot enough, so that they buy their bullshit products to live the fantasy, even if they are a XXL, for their husbands that wish that their wives were these girls…because a complex, where women feel inadequate, usually increases my chances of having sex…and we like when that happens….at least I do.

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Victoria’s Secret’s Swim Book of the Day

Victoria’s Secret’s Swim Book of the Day

Victoria’s Secret is one of the most played out brands to ever exist, however, they do bikinis and lingerie, and the cast pretty decent babes to model those bikinis and lingerie, even if the babes they cast are garbage people like Behati Prinsloo, who marry people like Adam Levine…and even if their styling is boring, their pictures are safe, and a total misuse of these immigrant women who are begging to be exploited not celebrated….but they are still bikini pictures…on girls who should give everyday girls a complex about not being hot enough, so that they buy their bullshit products to live the fantasy, even if they are a XXL, for their husbands that wish that their wives were these girls…because a complex, where women feel inadequate, usually increases my chances of having sex…and we like when that happens….at least I do.

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Victoria’s Secret’s Swim Book of the Day

Andrea Yurko for TREATS! of the DAy

TREATS! Magazine is another one of these amazing magazine that partners up with various photographers and gives them a venue to showcase their work – with one very very important key element – the models they use are babes…and the models they use get naked. It’s this mind fuck of photographers want the exposure and work for cheap, models want to be Treats girls, because it worked for Emrata, and the whole this is a win for everyone involved, even us, because some hot Voyeuristic pics of babes like Andrea Yurko happen…for you to masturbate too…all while pretending to be into art… She is Amazing…I want to sing her vagina love songs…

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Andrea Yurko for TREATS! of the DAy

Anais Zanotti Eating Ice Cream for The Headhuntr of the Day

Her name is Anais Zanotti and she is eating Ice Cream for my friend TheHeadHuntr … You may know Anais Zanotti as being one of these no name, do nothings, instagram celebrities who isn’t even a celebrity, but rather someone in Miami who is friends with the paparazzi and who gets into the media because the media likes bikini pics…because that’s how I know her. Apparently, there’s more to her than that, you know that whole fame whoring and trying to get people to talk about her has a greater purpose…I am just not sure what that purpose is…I am just too absorbed in the fact that her name reads as “ANUS” and the last time I made and “Anus” eat ice cream – I had to buy new bedsheets… Not to mention, she’s the second girl named Anus I’m posting today, making me think that in France, Anus is a popular name. I guess they are so modern when it comes to sex and like a homo, anus is less of a shitting organ and more of a sex organ…you just have to clean it out proper… None of this has to do with Anais Zanotti or TheHeadHuntr …or their pictures…at least not that I know of…no one sent me the behind the scenes video.

Originally posted here:
Anais Zanotti Eating Ice Cream for The Headhuntr of the Day

Miley Cyrus To Fellow Pop Stars: Chill Out, Dude

Cyrus tells The New York Times that her peers make her delete their pictures and that Joe Jonas is lying about her introducing him to pot. By Gil Kaufman

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Miley Cyrus To Fellow Pop Stars: Chill Out, Dude

Cailin Russo is the One Who Got Away of the Day

So I follow all kinds of babes on INSTAGRAM …98% of them don’t follow me back..but that doesn’t matter because I Don’t really need them to know I exist to get stare at their pictures for a creepy amount of time…if anything it’s as close as I can get to hiding on a fire escape watching a girl shower…not that I’d ever do that…yes I would…not that I’d ever get caught doing that…yes I have.. Anyway, Cailin is some young So Cal babe, who was cast in a Bieber video, and now other people are noticing her, making her forget me, the creep who likes all her pics and asks her on dates…something I’m used to and okay with… Here’s the best of her instagram….

Original post:
Cailin Russo is the One Who Got Away of the Day

Gallery Of Men With Photoshopped Girlfriends

Men Who Photoshop Fake Girlfriends Want to see the saddest men on the Internet ? It’s these guys who had their pictures captured on tumblr . The gallery is a bunch of losers with Photoshopped pictures of random women to make themselves feel good. This is the funniest thing you’ll see all day.

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Gallery Of Men With Photoshopped Girlfriends

Gallery Of Men With Photoshopped Girlfriends

Men Who Photoshop Fake Girlfriends Want to see the saddest men on the Internet ? It’s these guys who had their pictures captured on tumblr . The gallery is a bunch of losers with Photoshopped pictures of random women to make themselves feel good. This is the funniest thing you’ll see all day.

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Gallery Of Men With Photoshopped Girlfriends

Kate Upton And Girls Forget To Wear Their Bikinis

Kate Upton made it official by unveiling her new cover at the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Launch Party, and she wasn’t the only SI model there showing off her work. Still, I don’t get why they had these girls hold up their pictures on the red carpet like some 10-year-old posing with their A+ math test. Why not get them back in their bikinis to recreate the proud moment instead? Now that would be a real party. » view all 26 photos Related Articles: Kate Upton Sexes Up The Twitter Kate Upton Topless For Esquire Kate Upton’s Sexy Little Booty In PJs Kate Upton Looking Incredible In Her Bikinis Photos: WENN.com

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Kate Upton And Girls Forget To Wear Their Bikinis