Here is a picture of the legendary teen icon, Britney Spears, no longer a teen, definitely not a girl and fully a woman, and old, washed up, tired woman who is hanging with what looks like Jabba the Hut, at least according to its chin, possibly to make her look skinnier, or maybe just because this is what America Looks like now thanks to all the bad food marketed to you, and it’s working, because Britney, despite looking dead, with no soul, all medicated and confused, with her titties and belly button stickin’ out, looks hot to me, but then again, medicated, dazed and confused girls is with no souls is kinda what I’m into. Maybe I just have a stupid lookin’ face fetish. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
They are nude – but they might as well be clothed, because I can’t see spread asshole or labia, so it doesn’t fucking count, but I guess the less desensitized virgin motherfuckers and Arabs, will see all this skin, and get excited their favorite girl from TV is naked, despite not being able to see any of the parts that make her naked, but who is naked, as technicality cuz she’s not in fucking clothes…. To me, it just reminds me of this girl I dated with a meaty pussy, who was ashamed of her meaty pussy, and who I think used to tuck her meaty pussy into herself, because everytime we’d have sex she’d run to the bathroom, not to mention, she also wore maxi pads every fucking day and when I asked her way, she said cuz it was like a pillow for her pussy, which was almost as weird as the fact that despite fucking her, I never saw her pussy. She didn’t like being eaten out, she’d let me finger her and fuck her, but the second we were done, pants were on. It fucked with my mind, because I was like “i fuck this girl, but I’ve never seen her twat”…. Only this is the nude modeling version. For those of you who don’t know these girls – Naya Rivera is on Glee, Jennifer Morrison was on House, is on Once Upon a Time, Christa Miller is on Cougar Town and thank god she’s not Courtney Cox and Clare Bowen is on Nashville….
Miley Cyrus tweeted a story about how it is healthy to not wear a bra and she rejoiced because I guess she doesn’t ever wear a bra, making her think she was onto something before everyone else, for the first time in her life, a head of the curve of the braless even though we’ve all heard these studies for generations, and we all know bras suck, and we all like seeing natural breasts hang naturally in shirts, all hard nippled and amazing….but I figure let Miley think she invented this trend, it will just mean she’ll take more ownership on it, because when you’re a fabricated poptart pile of shit, with a team of idiots around you controlling your every move, it is hard to be an innovator in anything, so now she can celebrate this movement, be an icon in this movement, while we can all try to masturbate to her work, if only our penises could get hard… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK