Tag Archives: all-medicated

Britney Spears Dancing in White Shorts of the Day

Britney Spears posted this video of her dancing around in some white outfit, like a girl on her first day of Junior high who got her period…and had to live that down for her entire life… I know what you’re thinking, Britney is so old, she doesn’t get her period anymore…all menopausal and shit and even if she’s not she’s all medicated and anorexic or some shit so that she doesn’t get her period anymore…. But she’s still hot and watching her dance around all crazy, like a bi polar disorder is some kind of magical…I not sure what kind of magical…but magical nonetheless.. I could watch her medicated ass dance all day… In my dressing room dancing to #DoYouWannaComeOver ???? Pre-order #Glory on @AppleMusic & get it instantly!! Stream it on @spotify here: britney.lk/dywcospotify A video posted by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on Aug 17, 2016 at 8:05pm PDT The post Britney Spears Dancing in White Shorts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Britney Spears Dancing in White Shorts of the Day

Britney Spears Stomach of the Day

Britney Spears may have been hot many fucking years ago…before becoming relatively disgusting…fat…shaved head…cold sore scabbedut she looks like she’s Well, she’s a near 40 year old mom of two, who is looking pretty fit as fuck, and I guess she’s proud of that…becuase when you’re a puppet owned by your parents, making the family money, all medicated and confused, there are only few things that can make a girl with everything happy, and one of those things is a thin, fit, midsection…that may or may not be photoshopped, but that doesn’t matter if it is or not, I’ve jerked off to Britney’s face cropped onto porn videos at least one time in the last decade…making real or fake Britney still Britney enough for me. The post Britney Spears Stomach of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Britney Spears Stomach of the Day

Genevieve Morton Wearing a Kate Upton Bra of the Day

Shots have been fired. She’s throwing shade at Kate Upton by wearing Kate Upton’s picture on her tits like Kate Upton was her bra. This is the fat bikini model rivalry, it’s the “you’re the below me, I wear your pig ass on me because I own you”…equivalent of shitting on a pic of the model she so wants to be, but a little more classy, because her shit, at least based on her dumpy body due to eating, would be very very very large…all that eating…. Or maybe Genevieve Morton just likes bacon…I mean she looks like she likes bacon..lots and lots and lots of bacon…or maybe she’s jumping on that whole bacon thing that was big two years ago is only happening in South Africa now, they are behind on things because they are too busy trying to hide slavery… You know she’s studied everything Kate Upton did to be famous, and feels like it should be her, so you know…this is her attempt and winning as the big girl model in Sports Illustrated…It’s a little bit sad and a little bit entertaining…even if everything about her, even her tits, are uneventful…fat and boring…according to me and I am a professional at these things..

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Genevieve Morton Wearing a Kate Upton Bra of the Day

Lindsay Lohan is a Stepmother of the Day

Lindsay Lohan posted this video of her playing with a bunch of kids, looking like she’s in her late 40s, all medicated after downing a bottle of booze and a pack of smokes, only to play with the kids that didn’t crawl out of her uterus, like the little dolls they look like in her distorted world…puppets she can groom and whore to the industry… It turns out that her “family time”…involves an investment banker who she lives with, and his two kids, because she’s allowed to find happiness, everyone deserves happiness as long as it’s rich enough to support her habits… I don’t find a girl being a mom, whether insane or capable or not, very hot…but it is sure as hell better that she fucks with other kids than have her own, not that her dried up uterus can have kids, it is probably hasn’t had a period since Herbie Fully loaded… I just like celebrating other stepPARENTS…me an Lohan we are so the same…twinsies….motherfuckers…

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Lindsay Lohan is a Stepmother of the Day

Britney Spears Face of the Day

Here is a picture of the legendary teen icon, Britney Spears, no longer a teen, definitely not a girl and fully a woman, and old, washed up, tired woman who is hanging with what looks like Jabba the Hut, at least according to its chin, possibly to make her look skinnier, or maybe just because this is what America Looks like now thanks to all the bad food marketed to you, and it’s working, because Britney, despite looking dead, with no soul, all medicated and confused, with her titties and belly button stickin’ out, looks hot to me, but then again, medicated, dazed and confused girls is with no souls is kinda what I’m into. Maybe I just have a stupid lookin’ face fetish. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Britney Spears Face of the Day