Tag Archives: these-stunts

Christy Turlington’s Bad Plastic Surgery of the Day

Christy Turlington looks like she was attacked by her plastic surgeon which I guess makes sense since she made a name for herself as a model you jerked off to and now she’s in her 40s, something I am sure is harder for models who have only been valued for their looks all their lives, to come to terms with, not that I care about the emotional struggles of a bitch with more money than she deserves for being hot, I only care about the emotional struggles of a bitch who is at rock bottom from either addiction, failure, low self esteem, cuz they actually put out…..I’m talking ex-strippers or ex hookers or the bitches I meet at the battered women group therapy sessions…this ex-model turmoil is boring and obnxious as fuck….but here she is getting work in her underwear cuz she’s still holdin’ on as hard as she can to never admit she’s done.

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Christy Turlington’s Bad Plastic Surgery of the Day

Cher and Christina Aguilera Keeping It Classy of the Day

This looks like some fucked up McDonald’s character they are introducing to 65 year old men who used to jerk off to Cher in the 70s. You know some throwback “where are they now” jerkoff material to increase sales in double big macs because it is the sandwich that most resembles her pussy, or maybe it is just Cher doing what she can to get noticed in what may be her final tour as a joke of a person who can dress in lingerie despite being old enough to be a grandmother provided her kid didn’t trade her pussy in for a dick….In a lot of ways this is disgusting, sad, comical and erotic all at the same time….and I guess it’s nice to see Christina Aguilera’s whore behavior following her den mother’s lead….and I guess all these stunts are to promote their shitty movie…and I guess it’s working since I know they are in a shitty movie….here are the pics…

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Cher and Christina Aguilera Keeping It Classy of the Day