They take the whole ‘blood’ thing pretty literally. By Brenna Ehrlich
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PREMIERE: Mozes And The Firstborn’s ‘Bloodsucker’ Video Will Make You Cringe
They take the whole ‘blood’ thing pretty literally. By Brenna Ehrlich
See the rest here:
PREMIERE: Mozes And The Firstborn’s ‘Bloodsucker’ Video Will Make You Cringe
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Music
Tagged api, brenna-ehrlich, details, developers, discontinue, news article, term, thing-pretty
Sofia Vergara may be old as fuck, but she does this whole showing her ass thing pretty fucking well…especially at her age…and more importantly at her level of battered pussy cuz you know she had a kid at 20, where shit probably bounced back for her, but she also went from Miami immigrant to superstar, sure it took 20 years, but she’s the highest paid person on TV now, and that only happens with vaginal insertion…FACT. Vaginal insertion I’d like to watch and not just cuz I love vaginal insertion…and not just because I know this vagina can insert all kinds of things…but because I love this ass…despite it’s age…which is weird for me…but let’s blame Christmas… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
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Sofia Vergara’s Christmas Bikini Bottoms of the Day
I’m not sure what these pictures are for, or what they’re supposed to mean, but they seem to be some sort of battle between supermodels Adriana Lima and Doutzen Kroes . A Battle between two half naked hotties like this is alright with me. Clearly I don’t know anything about fashion because this just looks weird, still really hot, but kind of weird. I’m not sure if I’m supposed to be turned on or frightened. Either way, I like it.
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged adriana-lima, doutzen, doutzen-kroes, Hollywood, jaime-pressly, posted-pictures, stars, thing-pretty, vacation-bikini, video
Last week I posted pictures of Jaime Pressly playing in the park with her kid and I couldn’t believe how amazing her mom body was. I thought babies were supposed to completely ruin a woman’s body? Stand up comedians have been telling me that for years. Here she is showing us just how wrong those douchebags are in some amazing vacation bikini pictures. That booty is just incredible, some lucky bastard gets to grab that thing pretty much whenever he wants. Life’s just not fair.
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged Bikinis, completely-ruin, Hollywood, jaime-pressly, park, some-amazing, thing-pretty, tight-body, TMZ, video, were-supposed
Last week I posted pictures of Jaime Pressly playing in the park with her kid and I couldn’t believe how amazing her mom body was. I thought babies were supposed to completely ruin a woman’s body? Stand up comedians have been telling me that for years. Here she is showing us just how wrong those douchebags are in some amazing vacation bikini pictures. That booty is just incredible, some lucky bastard gets to grab that thing pretty much whenever he wants. Life’s just not fair.
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged Bikinis, Hollywood, jaime-pressly, posted-pictures, pressly, stars, thing-pretty, vacation-bikini, video, were-supposed