Mile high should never be this gross! Utah Man Arrested For Watching Graphic Movies On Plane Via HuffPo reports: A Utah man charged with viewing kiddie adult films on a Boston-bound commercial flight won’t have to serve his jail sentence if he sticks to the terms of his probation. Prosecutors say 50-year-old Salt Lake City resident Grant Smith pleaded guilty Thursday to possessing child pornography. A Boston judge suspended Smith’s 2 1/2-year sentence and placed him on five years’ probation. Smith must continue sex offender treatment, comply with Utah sex offender registry requirements and follow restrictions on contact with children and Internet use. Prosecutors say a fellow first-class passenger saw Smith viewing pornographic computer images of young girls during a November 2011 flight. The passenger took a cellphone photo of the images and alerted a flight attendant. Smith was arrested in Boston and initially pleaded not guilty. He resigned his job as a University of Utah engineering professor. So lets get this straight… people who are caught illegally downloading movies are subject to jail time and hundreds of thousands of dollars of fines. A guy watching child movies in public doesn’t even get jail time? If you get caught with a gram of kush in the wrong state you can get prison time and thousands of dollars in fines. Child adult films gets you probation?? Seriously? Something is seriously wrong with this country.
Read the rest here:
Pedo Files: Utah Professor Popped For Watching Graphic Child Freaky Films On Plane