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A Texas judge threw the book at Pilar Sanders for violating her custody agreement with her ex-husband Deion Sanders. On Tuesday, Pilar headed to a…
Pilar Sanders Thrown In Jail For Custody Agreement Violation
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A Texas judge threw the book at Pilar Sanders for violating her custody agreement with her ex-husband Deion Sanders. On Tuesday, Pilar headed to a…
Pilar Sanders Thrown In Jail For Custody Agreement Violation
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged book, celeb news, custody, deion, deion sanders, judge-threw, national, News, pilar, pilar sanders, stars, the-book, threw-the-book, tuesday
Father Brutally Beaten While Having Dinner With His Family via Philly.com A judge threw the book at a man who admitted to brutally beating a man while his wife and 5-year-old son looked on. Video of the attack was played during the sentencing for 20-year-old Shaquir Johnson, who admitted he and his 16-year-old cousin beat and robbed a man who was having dinner with his family in a Southwest Philadelphia pizza shop. “You can see the son put his hands on his face, you can actually see him screaming and crying,” said Assistant DA Morgan Vedejs. The incident happened back in September of 2012. The 16-year-old is seen approaching the man and asks if he has a problem. The man stands up and the two start arguing. That’s when the teen punches the man in the face. Johnson jumps in and wrestles the man to the ground, punching and kicking him. The victim’s wife and child try to break it up as Johnson and his cousin drag the victim out into the street where they continue the beating. Even the 5-year-old is knocked down during the attack. The boy’s father suffered broken ribs along with multiple cuts and bruises. The terrified boy suffered lasting emotional scars after witnessing something no child should ever see. “I mean, to watch your father get beat for seemingly no reason? I can’t imagine what he’s going through,” said Vedejs. Johnson was charged with multiple felonies of the first degree and pled guilty to the charges on Tuesday. His lawyer had been trying to get the charges reduced to second degree felonies, which carry less jail time. But, Judge Rayford Means denied that request and threw the book at Johnson after viewing the video, sentencing him to 7 and a half to 15 years in jail – despite his pleas for mercy from Johnson’s family. “His injuries were broken ribs and contusions so if someone were to look at that on medical records, or look at the facts on paper, they may not realize the severity of the crime,” said Vedejs. Johnson already had multiple arrests as a juvenile and adult. Shutterstock
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People Aint Isht: Father Brutally Beaten In Front Of 5-Year-Old Son & Wife While Having Dinner
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff
Tagged api, attack, black celebrity news, christina, Family, father-brutally, hollywood-party, jesus take the wheel, News, supper-club, threw-the-book, Victim
Filed under: Lindsay Lohan , Shawn Chapman Holley , Judge Marsha Revel , Celebrity Justice Right before Judge Marsha Revel threw the book at Lindsay Lohan yesterday — there was one other issue she wanted to raise in open court … involving little, ol’ TMZ. As the judge discussed the importance of confidential information with Lohan’s… Read more
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Lohan Judge Not Bugged by TMZ
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff
Tagged hollywood-news, importance, judge marsha revel, lindsay, marsha, News, one-other, open-court, shawn chapman holley, shawn-chapman, t m z, the-judge, threw-the-book, TMZ
Ryan Seacrest ‘s stalker — 26-year-old Chidi Uzomah — was sentenced to two years in prison today — after pleading no contest to felony stalking back in March. The judge threw the book at Chidi — who went after Seacrest outside of an Orange County… Read more
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Ryan Seacrest’s Stalker Headed to Prison
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff
Tagged bennyhollywood, chidi-uzomah, felony-stalking, judge-threw, Orange, orange-county, prison-today, seacrest, t m z, the-book, threw-the-book, TMZ, two-years