Tag Archives: times-better

Meet Cutie Louisa Johnson

I always say that British reality shows are 20 times better than anything we have over here, and here’s the latest proof of that: according to my sources, this hottie is Louisa Johnson , AKA the 2015 British X Factor winner. I don’t know what her talent was, but if I had to guess, it’d be the ability to give me a pants fire in 5 seconds flat. Bravo! Photos: WENN.com

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Meet Cutie Louisa Johnson

Meet Hottie Meredith Hennessy

It seems like Christmas starts earlier and earlier every year, and it makes absolutely no sense to me why we’ve got “holiday cups” starting November 1st, or why anybody would release a Christmas movie two full weeks before Thanksgiving. But hey, on the bright side, at least this Love The Coopers premiere means us perverts get our own early Christmas present in model  Meredith Hennessy and her super-cute cleavage. It’s just what I wanted! How did they know? Now I just hope I don’t have to wait another month and a half to unwrap it… » view all 12 photos Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Toni Garrn’s Got Back

I’ve always said that  Toni Garrn is pretty underrated as far as Victoria’s Secret hotties are concerned, and after seeing her at the 2015 Bambi Awards, I think I’ve finally figured out what the problem is: she doesn’t know how to dress. I may not know much about fashion, but I do know that this outfit of hers would look 20 times better turned the other way around. Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Meet Hottie Miranda Nicole

I always knew sweatpants were a legit fashion choice, but for those of you who never believed me, here’s Playboy and Maxim model Miranda Nicole behind-the-scenes at a new video shoot, proving that they’re not just for pasty, overweight bloggers living in their mom’s basement after all. Of course, Miranda looks 20 times better in them than I do, plus nobody seems to mind when she takes hers off in public. And I’d complain about the double standard, but right now, I don’t mind either. Enjoy. » view all 11 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Meet Hottie Miranda Nicole

More Sexy Celebrity Halloween Pictures

Just like Halloween candy gets 10 times better when it’s half-off the day after, the same goes for celebrity Halloween costumes. Because after Katy Perry dressed like a giant Cheeto/orange turd on Friday , Hollywood seriously stepped it up a notch over the weekend. And here’s some of the best of the best from Adam Lambert’s 2nd Annual Halloween Bash, including Aubrey O’Day as a sexy peacock, Joanna Krupa , Cara Delevingne , Melissa Bolona , Dorothy Wang , and Allison Melnick . But if you ask me, I think Joanna wins. I don’t normally like “clever” costumes, but going as Catwoman with nippleitis is downright genius. » view all 34 photos Photos: WENN.com

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More Sexy Celebrity Halloween Pictures

More Sylvie Van Der Vaart Bikini Pictures

Good news, everybody: looks like Sylvie Van der Vaart is still on that bikini vacation of hers, because we’re being treated to a second set of pictures of the Dutch hottie’s awesome bikini booty again today. So enjoy, because if you ask me, this is 20 times better than any postcard, and it still gets the same message across: I wish I was there too. » view all 12 photos Photos: Fameflynet Continue reading

Sallie Axl Is A Busty Fire-eater!

In case you needed further proof why British reality shows are 10 times better than the crap we have over here, just take a look at this chick named Sallie Axl . Apparently she’s on Big Brother this season, and according to her bio, she’s a bisexual model and fire-eater. Yes, you read that right. So to recap: British people get to watch busty bisexual fire-eating models dance around in Daisy Dukes and a swimsuit, while we get 20 different variations of Real Housewives and Duck Dynasty . That settles it, I’m moving to England. » view all 21 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Sallie Axl Is A Busty Fire-eater!