Tag Archives: timothy-jackson

Russell Brand: Arrested By New Orleans Police!

Russell Brand is in hot water over his recent iPhone flinging . New Orleans police issued a misdemeanor arrest warrant for Brand in connection with the zany British funnyman’s run-in with a photographer earlier this week. Russell turned himself in Thursday and is in police custody. Brand has been accused of grabbing a photographer’s phone on Monday and throwing it through the nearby window of a law firm in downtown New Orleans. Brand, in town filming a movie, hasn’t denied that he grabbed and hurled the phone. In fact, he Tweeted “Since Steve Jobs died I cannot bear to see anyone use an iPhone irreverently, what I did was a tribute to his memory .” Brand has reportedly offered to pay for the broken window at the law firm, but the “victim,” celebrity gossip photographer Timothy Jackson, filed a police report. Jackson had been posted up along with several others to take pics of the 36-year-old, who is in NoLa shooting Oscar-winning swriter Diablo Cody’s new film. Last month, Chris Brown was accused of “robbery by sudden snatching” after Christal Spann claimed he reached out his car window, grabbed her phone and peaced. Though a report was filed in that incident, no warrant was issued. [Photo: WENN.com]

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Russell Brand: Arrested By New Orleans Police!

Russell Brand Accused of iPhone Flinging, Window Breaking

Russell Brand recently broke up with Katy Perry . And, according to an irate paparazzo, a window. A Splash News photographer, Timothy Jackson, filed a police report against Brand, who allegedly approached Jackson’s car, wrestled away his iPhone and heaved it through a window of nearby law firm, shattering the glass. That’s some arm, if true! Splash has a series of photos showing Russell snatching the iPhone and the apparent aftermath of broken glass at the offices of Deutsch, Kerrigan and Stiles. New Orleans Police are still investigating, but no charges have been filed and there’s no warrant out for Brand. Heck, the NOPD is still trying to ring him up. “We have had several attempts to get in contact with Russell Brand in the past day, all of which were unsuccessful,” a department spokesman tells E! News. Maybe Russell disposed of his own phone through similar means? [Photo: WENN.com]

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Russell Brand Accused of iPhone Flinging, Window Breaking