It’s official. Jersey Shore stars Sammi “Sweetheart” Giancola and Ronnie “I Get in Fights and Call People Gay Slurs” Magro are done. Like, for good this time. Well, until tomorrow when they get back together. The couple’s famously tumultuous relationship, which any viewer of the show or celebrity gossip sites is familiar with, recently broke up again. And it’s ugly. “Ronnie and Sammi are no longer together,” a source close to them says. “They got so angry that when they were in Vegas on March 6 that they demanded separate rooms and separate tables and wanted to be separate at all events.” As if that weren’t enough, Ronnie Magro is taking to Twitter in a bid to torture Sammi: “Ronnie’s new thing is posting GTS on Twitter, which means GYM TAN SMUSH [sex]. He keeps maliciously putting it in his Tweets to upset her.” Ronnie and Sammi in happier times. Just ignore Pauly D’s hair. GTS, of course, is a play on GTL (gym, tan, laundry), one of The Situation quotes most often repeated in the months since Season 1 of Jersey Shore aired. Thursday morning, Ronnie Tweeted, “Early morning GTS.. Busy day gonna be crazy….” Following up a while later with, “@Sn00ki … Come on Snooki u can never GTS to much (u kno that lol)… wooooo… 2 weeks, You ready? bc im not.” That about sums it up right there . “I’m sure he still has feelings for her because he is trying so hard to make her jealous,” the source says. “Ronnie is acting like he hates her, but I think it’s still love, you know those two things can be interchangeable a lot of the time.” One thing is for certain? Season 2 rumbles! “The new season is going to have a crazy amount of jealousy, you never know Sammi might even hook up with Mike this season,” the source says. “Drama.”
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Jersey Shore’s Ronnie and Sammi: It’s SO Over (For the 174th Time)!