Tag Archives: titanic-or-now

Amanda Bynes’ Grill of the Day

The things I would do to Amanda Bynes’ crazy girl grill…are pretty dirty…and similar to this pic, THAT IS NOT AMANDA BYNES SUCKING SOME DICK …but that is going around pretending to be Amanda Bynes…because the internet may be all I know, but it is also a fucking liar….only my GRILL fantasy would involve a whole lot less Amanda Bynes, but the same amount of rubbing my dick on her mouth piece without her knowing, so that she goes around all her crazy day with my dick smear in her mouth, without knowing my dick smear is in her mouth, I’m subtle with my face-rape like that. It’s good to know she’s got 10k to spend on really useful things, and more importantly, that she’s pretty in person…..

See original here:
Amanda Bynes’ Grill of the Day

Rihanna’s Grill of the Day

Nothing says I’ve made it, at least not to gutter people who probably didn’t grow up going to the dentist, like a jewellery on your teeth, it’s like a see what can you spend silly amounts of money on that no one will really notice, but that you don’t care they won’t notice it, because you are doing it for yourself, and because you will notice it at least every time you try to eat a fucking apple, or talk, or pretty much do anything involving your mouth, which in Rihanna’s case varies from rubbing dick on it, to rubbing pussy on it, to getting punched in it, cuz she like a face full of diamonds…a face full of diamonds…a face full of diamonds…she even wrote a song about it…and I guess if people don’t notice, you can always get half naked and show them on the internet…which is what Rihanna’s doing up in here..

Go here to see the original:
Rihanna’s Grill of the Day

Isabeli Fontana Modelling Lingerie of the Day

Isabelli Fontana is one of my favorite models, not that I keep track of models or really remember any by name, or even by face, I kind of just stare at their half naked bodies and cross reference them to my wife’s nude body, usually when she’s getting out of her bath, to try to understand who the fuck they are the same species, gender or breed of animal. It almost makes no sense, I’ve see animals that look more like my wife than this…mainly pigs…and I can’t quite figure out who the freak of nature is, this Isabelli Fontana babe, or the babe pig in the city I married…I’m gonna go with both are on the extreme side of the spectrum, but for the sake of humanity, I think Isabeli Fontana is what girls are supposed to look like and was sent here to get all your lazy bitches to work…and as far as I’m concerned she’s pretty lovely modelling them there lingerie.

See the original post:
Isabeli Fontana Modelling Lingerie of the Day

Bar Refeali Twitter Round-Up of the Day

Bar Refaeli is older, bigger, a little more irrelevant than she used to be, partially because she lives in Tel Aviv and turned her back on the modelling world when Leonardo DiCaprio turned his back on her, and not in a “I’m a male actor, it’s a pretty gay existence, all I do is look in the mirror and talk to myself making faces like a 5 year old with no friends, obsessing over my looks and whether people like me, or if I sound silly saying this line, or whether my hair looked better in Titanic or now”…kind of stick that huge black dildo in me and tell me I’m handsome way, but in a “bitch, you’re high maintenance, I got line-ups of women” kind of way…and partially because getting older, fatter and more irrelevant is kinda what happens to girls…but she does a pretty good job on her instagram..and here is a round-up of some of her pics.

Go here to read the rest:
Bar Refeali Twitter Round-Up of the Day