You’ve seen Mr. Skin’s Top Ten Nude Scenes of 2011 , and now it’s your turn to talk to the Sultan of Spank himself about his breast of the year. That’s right-tonight Mr. Skin , along with his left hand man McBeardo, will once again hit the (satellite) airwaves of Sirius Satellite Radio HOWARD 101 to look back on their Top 10 nude scenes of the year. Mr. Skin will also be taking your calls LIVE on the air, so if you’ve got a burning question for the Baron of Bush or just want to talk turkey with our head honcho, tune in to Howard 101 between 7pm EST (that’s 6pm Central) and 8pm EST (7pm Central) and call 888-STERN-101 to chat with Mr. Skin live. For those of you still too stuffed to think, that’s Mr. Skin discussing his Top Ten Nude Scenes of 2011 LIVE on Sirius Satellite Radio HOWARD 101 , TONIGHT at 7pm EST (6pm Central). Unlike your relatives at Thanksgiving dinner, we’ve saved you the breast parts.

Get the Skinny on Mr. Skin’s Top 10 TONIGHT at 7pm EST on Howard 101
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged back-on-their, bennyhollywood, detected, Hollywood, radio, radio-11-28, satellite, sirius, sultan, tonight-at-7pm