Tag Archives: took-the-summer

Rumor Control: Beyonce’s ‘Definitely’ Set To Release A New Track In January

Guess all those studio shots on Bey’s Instagram were for real. And according to The Huffington Post , the release will come before her Superbowl appearance. Huge news for Beyonce fans! The singer will reportedly release new music before her February Super Bowl performance. Billboard recently interviewed artist and Beyonce collaborator The-Dream, who spoke about what’s ahead for Bey. “Definitely,” said The-Dream when asked if Beyonce would release a new song before the Super Bowl. “She’s got her stuff going. She took the summer to start recording, and now she’s in a place where she’s ready to start gearing up to reveal her plan.” “She’s already gearing up to get ready to put stuff out,” The-Dream continued. “I’m sure there will probably be a couple records you hear before the Super Bowl gets here.” It was announced in October that Beyonce will be performing at Super Bowl XLVII. After reports leaked from an anonymous source, the singer took to her Tumblr page to post a photo of herself with the date of game painted on her face in eyeblack, confirming the plans. Little is known about the unreleased tracks. A photo leaked this week of Beyonce in the studio with husband Jay-Z, and she worked with Miguel earlier this fall, so a few collaborations may be in the works. Are you ready for some new Beyonce music or have you enjoyed her hiatus a little too much?? Images via tumblr/Instagram

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Rumor Control: Beyonce’s ‘Definitely’ Set To Release A New Track In January

Rubber Teaser: Spend 37 Seconds with the World’s First Homicidal Tire

Summer movie season has got me down , son. Down , like Hollywood pushed me in a shallow grave onto which every studio in town quickly shoveled whatever hype they’d manufactured to date. Suffocating, I was reincarnated as a Johnny Cash song. Stifling! Until this morning, when the French stepped up their game with 37 seconds that took the summer back — at least until Iron Man 2 opens. But you know what? Even Tony Stark is probably no match for a psychopathic tire on a murder spree.

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Rubber Teaser: Spend 37 Seconds with the World’s First Homicidal Tire