Tag Archives: topless-bottom

Bar Refaeli’s Jewish Christmas Erotica to Promote Product of the Day

Nothing says Christmas like a Jewish girl….especially when that Jewish girl is opportunist Bar Refaeli…trying to peddle product and make fucking money doing this half naked Christmas thing…you know shitting on Jesus….with her tits…the way I like Jesus to be shit on…cuz tits are the real lord and savior…. I mean there’s nothing new in this…most Christmas Carols you sing are Jewish written, most Christmas movies are Jewish made, most Christmas shopping is in Jewish stores for Jewish brands…they know Christmas better than we do……but seeing Bar Refaeli all comfy in a bra and jammies…is better than any White Christmas lyric…I approve and I am a CHRISTMAS EXPERT

Go here to read the rest:
Bar Refaeli’s Jewish Christmas Erotica to Promote Product of the Day

Lady Gaga’s Tits in Max Italia of the Day

Lady Gaga is the devil…she was sent from hell to destroy our youth…with her demon face…she’s the fucking worst..and even when she’s doing the exhibitionist thing…in efforts to be an “artist”…I know she’s just trying as hard as she fucking can to get noticed before it is too late..because her mission of destroying the fucking world….is not complete…but her fame seems to be….but this topless bottom feeding is going to lead to porno…and I am going to watch…even if I hate everything about her…

Go here to see the original:
Lady Gaga’s Tits in Max Italia of the Day