Tag Archives: totally-enough

Ashely Tisdale’s See Through of the Day

Ashley Tisdale has a weird fucking fan base…because every time I laugh at her shitty plastic surgery, or the fact that she’s left out of most conversations involving the Disney Sluts you Want to Fuck because she’s built on some Sarah Jessica Parker facial platform…people go fucking crazy… It’s like they don’t understand that the reason I singled this bitch out was because she won some MTV award for being the hottest girl of the year, only for anyone with a brain to know that shit was paid for and a fucking scam… So unless she’s in a sex tape, I am hardly interested, even her white t-shirt with no bra hustle bores me, even when you can make out her nipple, because this level of famous should be fisting her own ass on webcam to pay her mortgage… I guess none of this really matters…I mean the real issue is I just spent 2-2.5 minutes writing about Ashley Tisdale, and as a grown man who didn’t watch High School musical with my kids, or lust after the cast because my wife wasn’t fucking me at home, that’s too much fucking time to spend on her…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Ashely Tisdale’s See Through of the Day

Nina Agdal’s Boring Bikini Campaign of the DAy

You want to know what fucking sucks?? Catalog pics of a bikini model in a bikini…not because I hate bikinis, or bikini models in bikinis, but because they are always fucking boring…because shit is for a catalog and not a bikini model fetish site…where there’s any concept of strategy in making shit interesting…. Whether it is retard head Nina Agdal, the hooker who broke down so many barriers like so many hookers before her, you know booking SI Swimsuit for free, without having an Athlete boyfriend…or any other of these bitches…shit is not inspiring and more just marketing for them to find rich husbands like so many hookers before her… Boring. What could they do to make it better? Maybe a little Pornstar Experience…that is hooker talk for ANAL!!

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Nina Agdal’s Boring Bikini Campaign of the DAy

Iggy Azalea Thickeness for Revolve Clothing of the Day

Iggy Azalea booked a campaign for a pretty major clothing company…because that’s what happens when you become relevant… Relevant for being a viral video making, female rapping hit, even if the level of authenticity to what she does is practically non existent… You see, she was pretending she was this hard-up australian hooker, before coming to America where she just happened to get a record deal…because moving to America is so fucking easy for hookers, but more importantly, so is landing record deals, everyone’s got one who’s ever wanted one…right? There’s a backstory, that I assume involves fucking the right black man with her thickness, that is trendy….because most hookers don’t line up this for themselves, because most hookers end up in the fucking fucking ditch somewhere….. Either way, here’s her campaign…and it sucks…considering her music videos are a whole lot more porny…. [gallery

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Iggy Azalea Thickeness for Revolve Clothing of the Day

Tamara Weijenberg for Marie Claire Spain of the Day

Tamara Weijenberg is a model and she is in Marie Claire Spain… I don’t know anything about her, from what I have found out with my extensive research…she’s from Amsterdam, she’s tall as fuck, and she poses in bikini bottoms, which apparently, is totally enough for me to think she is relevant enough to promote for free… I mean this bitch isn’t’ even going to tweet me a thank you, or email me a thank you for helping put her out there. There will be no gift basket, no love letters, no invitation to her fucking birthday party…she won’t bake me a cake, or send me a pic of asshole, it’s all fucking take take take with these fame whore bitches…well one day…some dude will take what he wants from them….and that person won’t be me, because I won’t remember who this Tamara chick is in 5 minutes and I have better things to do with her…like nap.

Here is the original post:
Tamara Weijenberg for Marie Claire Spain of the Day