Tag Archives: tried-watching

Madonna: Marry Me (Again), Sean Penn!

Look, Madonna is a remarkably embarrassing human being, she just is. She’s also a legend, sure, but that doesn’t give her a pass. A lot of people think this is some age discrimination , like “what, Madonna is 58 years old so she can’t be sexy and have fun anymore?” And that’s absolutely not the case. No, if any person, no matter if they were 1 or 100 or any age in between, behaved the way Madonna behaves , it would be an honest-to-goodness shame, it really would. It’s just that she’s so very, very desperate for attention . Like she can’t handle the fact that perhaps her popularity isn’t what it used to be, and she has to do stunt after stunt to just get a little bit more of the spotlight. Come on, why else would she rock as many grills as she does ? And why else would she act like as hot a mess as she did last night? Yep, buckle up, friends, because we’ve got a wild and wacky Madonna story to share with you right the hell now. See, last night, Madonna hosted a charity gala for Malawi, the African nation where her 11-year-old son, David, was born. She managed to raise over $7.5 million, which is amazing, it really is. But boy, did she pull some ridiculous sh-t along the way. Because Madonna’s ex-husband, Sean Penn, was there too, right? The two got married in 1985, but they stayed together for just four years before they got divorced. There have been persistent rumors for years that he was majorly abusive to her, but she’s denied those rumors, and she’s even made it clear that she still has strong feelings for him . Back in January, they did another charity gala together, and Madonna gave a speech all about how amazing she thinks Sean is. During the speech, she got all gushy, telling him “I want to say that, Sean, I love you. From the moment that I laid eyes on you. And I still love you, just the same.” And, well, last night she took things a step further. “I’m still in love with you,” she told Sean. And then, just when you thought things couldn’t get any more romantic and/or creepy, she said that she would marry him again, right then and there — if he bid $150,000 on a piece of jewelry. And he did . We’re not sure about whether or not they’ve gotten hitched yet, but someone did have the presence of mind to play a wedding march. Sean hopped on stage, crawled between Madonna’s legs, and then handcuffed her. Why? We may never know. But, hilariously enough, Madonna did joke while Sean was handcuffing her that “For once, he’s not the one being arrested.” Oh, Madonna, you’re in love with a criminal! How sweet! Best of wishes to this former, maybe present couple, we guess. View Slideshow: 10 Controversial Photos of Madonna

Continued here:
Madonna: Marry Me (Again), Sean Penn!

Donald Trump Gets Roasted by SNL, Hilariously Whines About It

Donald Trump … well, let's put it this way: there's an extremely good chance that he's the most ridiculous person to ever exist in the history of humans existing. You can't even make up some of the things he says and does, and hey, why would you want to? He's consistently outrageous, offensive, and just plain absurd . But if you call him out on it?  Well, what a big ol' bully you are, you mean thing, you! Still, Saturday Night Live has done a masterful job of making fun of Trump , and despite the protests of the man himself, they just keep on keepin' on. Alec Baldwin has played Trump so beautifully in skits based on all three debates, and one more after the election results were in. And last night, Baldwin came back again for a very, very funny skit about Donald's bizarre tweeting habits . You can check out the delightful video below, but if you need convincing, know that it was so good that Trump felt the need to defend himself on Twitter. Yes, he saw SNL making fun of him for tweeting too much, and he tweeted about it.  “Just tried watching Saturday Night Live – unwatchable!” he wrote. “Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can't get any worse. Sad.” Here, you're going to want to watch the magic for yourself:

Donald Trump Gets Roasted by SNL, Hilariously Whines About It

Some Cable Nudity of the Day

Californication is far less humiliating to jerk off to than David Duchovney’s work in the Red Shoe Diaries….even if the shit isn’t as hardcore as it needs to be….I still appreciate that cable TV has taken the route of giving the people what they want…in efforts to compete with movies and the internet….cuz TV without nudity is just some fucking homo shit…. See, I tried watching a few of the popular sitcoms the past couple of weeks and they are all fucking garbage polluting the brains of everyone….no wonder we’re all fucking doomed…you idiots eat that shit up, have no mind of your own…..but as bad as they are…they’d be better if the bitches were topless….and that’s where cable TV prospers…and network TV remains the corporate brainwashing devil….. Not that I watch any TV, I just stick to the nude scenes that hit the internet the next day, I prefer living my own life and making it memorable to watching some fake lives make my life seem dull….but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t….. Here’s some bitch named Camilla Ludington from Californication… Here’s some bitch named Sarah Power from Californication…. Here’s some bitch named Stephanie Fantauzzi or as I like to call her – “Thank God Its Not That Emmy Rossum Cunt” from Shameless….


Here is the original post:
Some Cable Nudity of the Day