Tag Archives: triumph-warrant

Watch Sofia Vergara and the Cast of Glee Overcome Emmy Differences Through Rap

If you thought that there were any residual hard feelings between Emmy competitors Modern Family and Glee , think again. Sofia Vergara and the Glee cast are so over their faux-feud that they recently filmed a Funny or Die video in which the Colombian Family star, Heather Morris, Matthew Morrison, Naya Rivera and Harry Shum Jr. rap and dance to a Gleek-ed out version of Snoop Dogg’s “Nuthin’ But a G-Thang” (rechristened “Nuthin’ But a Glee Thang). Fair warning: This will probably be the best thing you see all day.

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Watch Sofia Vergara and the Cast of Glee Overcome Emmy Differences Through Rap

At Least Pirates Are Loving 127 Hours

Awards-season slump aside, 127 Hours is on a roll in at least one of Hollywood’s most closely watched demographics: Illegal downloaders. A new report has the James Franco film way out in front of Oscar competition True Grit and Inception ; the revelation follows word that distributor Fox Searchlight will eschew SAG screeners for 127 and Black Swan in favor of secure iTunes downloads. Of course this whole thing royally screws up Movieline’s 127 Hours Fainting Tracker , but that’s the biz. Congrats? [ THR ]

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At Least Pirates Are Loving 127 Hours

Why Aren’t Oscar Zealots Fighting for Toy Story 3’s Best Picture Chances?

Disney’s been leading the charge on Toy Story 3 ‘s Best Picture gambit in recent weeks, arguing on behalf of its strong reviews (now, Golden Tomato-winning ), and large box office, but is it time for Oscar statisticians (e.g. the Movieline readership) to take up the fight too? It lacks the blunt-force topicality of The Social Network and the historical grandeur of The King’s Speech , but does Toy Story 3 ‘s expensive commercial triumph warrant a grassroots movement?

See the rest here:
Why Aren’t Oscar Zealots Fighting for Toy Story 3’s Best Picture Chances?