Pure Comedy!!!
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Masked Crime Fighter “Phoenix Jones” Gets His A*s Kicked And Nose Broken! [Video]
Pure Comedy!!!
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Masked Crime Fighter “Phoenix Jones” Gets His A*s Kicked And Nose Broken! [Video]
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff
Tagged bennyhollywood, Celebrity News, Comedy, crazy videos, Hollywood, News, phoenix-jones, pure comedy, random ridiculousness, smh, the hood life, video
Disney’s been leading the charge on Toy Story 3 ‘s Best Picture gambit in recent weeks, arguing on behalf of its strong reviews (now, Golden Tomato-winning ), and large box office, but is it time for Oscar statisticians (e.g. the Movieline readership) to take up the fight too? It lacks the blunt-force topicality of The Social Network and the historical grandeur of The King’s Speech , but does Toy Story 3 ‘s expensive commercial triumph warrant a grassroots movement?
See the rest here:
Why Aren’t Oscar Zealots Fighting for Toy Story 3’s Best Picture Chances?
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged fight, historical, Hollywood, lacks-the-blunt, Movies, phoenix-jones, randy-jackson, season, stars, Superman, triumph-warrant
The American Idol panel at Fox’s TCA event in Pasadena delivered on so many levels — Ryan Seacrest made a joke about using “placenta” to stay young, Randy Jackson plaintively remarked that we’d see a different kind of “dawg” this season, and Steven Tyler gave the best possible reason for wanting to sit at the judges’ table with Jennifer Lopez: She was exceptional in The Back-Up Plan . His quote may haunt you.
Follow this link:
Steven Tyler on Idol Co-Judge Jennifer Lopez: ‘She was so Vulnerable in The Back-Up Plan’
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged awards, best-possible, jennifer, one-detective, panel-at-fox, phoenix-jones, randy-jackson, ryan-seacrest, season, Superman, tca
Remember when we told you about Phoenix Jones , the Seattle citizen superhero who, like a real-life Kick-Ass, dressed up in a costume to fight crime and protect the residents of his fare city? Well, like Kick-Ass, he recently got the crap beat out of him. “Does Superman get his ass kicked?” one detective rhetorically asked a reporter for SeattlePI.com . “These people should not be called superheroes.”
See the original post:
‘Does Superman Get His Ass Kicked?’: The Story of Phoenix Jones Reaches Logical Next Step
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged ass-kicked, awards, crap, fight-crime, Hollywood, kick-ass, New Movie, News, one-detective, phoenix-jones, Superman