Tag Archives: trophy-legless

Jennifer Lawrence Booty Profile of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence’s side profile while she covers her face, is far less interesting than her hundreds of nude selfies that showcased said ass, possibly even getting fingered in at least one, or more importantly her young, Oscar winning tits, that we can assume only the producers her mom sold her and “boyfriends” she use to fill the emptiness in her soul thanks to her mom selling her off, had the right to see before…it’s like now, anything she does, even when braless and tight…is even more dull than pre-nude scandal…which was pretty fucking dull to begin with… Either way, good tits need to be encouraged to make appearances…so this is my encouragement… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

See original here:
Jennifer Lawrence Booty Profile of the Day

Genevieve Morton and Bootleg Genevieve Morton’s for the South African Swimsuit of the Day

Genevieve Morton, star of South Africa, with breasts the size of a small child’s head, designed to do more philantrhopic work, like feeding a small African village where all the mom’s died off of aids, with her beautiful breasts that I’d rather she use feeding me…is in the latest issue of South African Swimsuit , which you’d expect of her, since she’s South Africa’s trophy bikini model….which is better than South Africa’s trophy legless Olympian…or South African’s biggest blood diamond export…or #ebola… She was unfortunately joined by other low level hookers, trying to steal her glory…but obviously just looking thirsty …because when it comes to South Africa, even with all their amazing mix breed mutt women…there’s only one girl you should want to impregnate with mouth and/or genitals…and that’s Genevieve… The other models who don’t matter are: Bianca Koyabe, Xenia Deli, Nicole Meyer, Zoe Cross, Sarah Stephens, Morgan Shelly, Sloveig Mork and Jordan Van Der Vyer (who is the back-up Genevieve, you know in case Genevieve gets ebola and we need a replacement…. Genevieve, if you’re reading this…I want you to think of me the next time you have an orgasm…that, or maybe just start planning our wedding. You are the one…the one I want digging through my belly fat looking to find my penis. It is our destiny.

Continued here:
Genevieve Morton and Bootleg Genevieve Morton’s for the South African Swimsuit of the Day