Walking is not only healthy for you, it can be empowering, as T. Morgan Dixon realized. So she partnered with Vanessa Garrison and launched GirlTrek three years ago to empower women through walking. The nonprofit is now the largest health movement dedicated to Black women and girls in the country with more than 68,000 Black women and girls who walk daily in local parks, trails, and through their neighborhoods. And on November 8th, Election Day, GirlTrek will be helping women flex their political power. The organization has launched #BlackGirlJusticeLeague and through this movement, GirlTrek will mobilize 50,000 Black women to walk to the polls together. GirlTrek will also post its Election Day walks on the national map on its website… [ MadameNoire ] There’s A Teeny Tiny Bit Of Good News Regarding Student Loan Debt …The “Life Delayed” report from American Student Assistance found that student loan debt profoundly affects the daily lives and spending habits of Americans. Sixty-two percent of respondents said “their student debt posed a hardship on their personal budget when combined with all other household spending. Specifically, 35 percent said they found it difficult to buy daily necessities because of their student loans; 52 percent said their debt affected their ability to make larger purchases such as a car; and 55 percent indicated that student loan debt affected their decision or ability to purchase a home,” reported U.S. News & World Report… The just released New York Federal Reserve’s “Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit” found that the total student-debt load in America actually decreased between the first and second quarters of 2016. It dropped from $1.261 trillion to $1.259 trillion. This equals a whopping $2 billion decrease… [ MadameNoire ] The Weeknd Donates $250K To Black Lives Matter The Weeknd doesn’t do a lot of talking but his actions say more than enough. The popular singer reportedly donated $250,000 to the Black Lives Matter movement. Fader is reporting that sources tell them the Toronto-based singer just put up a quarter-million dollars to assist BLM with their mission. The Weeknd has not publicly addressed the reports, but reps for for The Weeknd confirmed the donation via email with HipHopWired.com. The bold statement comes roughly a month after The Weeknd promised to do something about trend of police shooting unarmed African-American men and failing to de-escalate encounters with Black men the same way they do with people from other races… [ HipHopWired ] Here Are Some Of The Most Shocking Parts Of DOJ’s Report On Baltimore Police [ Huffington Post ] Teyana Taylor & Iman Shumpert’s Baby Has Own Headwear Line [ iHeart Radio ] Thomas Gibson Suspended From ‘Criminal Minds’ After Kicking Writer [ TMZ ] Jackie Long On How An A*sh0le Actor Influenced Him To Start His New Company [ Baller Alert ]
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“When Women Walk, Things Change:” GirlTrek Mobilizing 50,000 Black Women To Walk To The Polls On Election Day