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George Will: Obama Is An Expert At Selling Snake Oil

George Will on Sunday accused Barack Obama of being an expert at selling snake oil. As the Roundtable segment of ABC’s “This Week” began, host Jake Tapper asked Will if the President’s claim that Republicans “are peddling that same snake oil that they’ve been peddling now for years” will resonate with voters this November. Will marvelously responded, “No, because he is an expert on snake oil.” “This is the man who said, if we pass the $767 billion stimulus bill, which it turns out costs $862 billion, a $95 million oops, we would have unemployment at 8 percent and no higher, and it went higher,” continued Will. “This is the man who last week was out saying, ‘I’m going to give $2 billion, about $2 billion, to two companies to create about 1,600 jobs.’ That’s $1.5 million per job. That is snake oil” (video follows with partial transcript and commentary:  JAKE TAPPER, HOST: I want to start with President Obama out on the campaign trail again this week trying to sharpen his message. Here’s a glimpse. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) OBAMA: They’re not coming back and saying, “You know what? We really screwed up, but we’ve learned our lesson, and now we’ve got this new approach, and this is how things are going to turn out really well.” That’s not their argument. They are trying to sell you the same stuff that they’ve been peddling. They are peddling that same snake oil that they’ve been peddling now for years. (END VIDEO CLIP) TAPPER: So the president, George, is trying to make this not a referendum on him, but rather a choice between him and Republicans. Is it going to work? WILL: No, because he is an expert on snake oil. This is the man who said, if we pass the $767 billion stimulus bill, which it turns out costs $862 billion, a $95 million oops, we would have unemployment at 8 percent and no higher, and it went higher. This is the man who, in another form of snake oil, said we have this wonderful idea of homeowner tax credits for buying first-time homeowners, which we now realize has largely subsidized home purchases that would have been made anyway. This is the man who last week was out saying, “I’m going to give $2 billion, about $2 billion, to two companies to create about 1,600 jobs.” That’s $1.5 million per job. That is snake oil. A bit later, Tapper asked the Washington Post’s Ruth Marcus, “Is the president doing the right thing here? Is this — is this the effective message to help at least lower the losses in November? Marcus surprisingly responded: Well, that presumes there’s any effective message. And the president says, look, these guys drove the car into the ditch. Why would you give the keys back to them? The only problem with that is, who’s been driving the car for the last 18 months and where are we? Quite shocking to hear that from the Obama-loving Marcus, wouldn’t you agree? 

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George Will: Obama Is An Expert At Selling Snake Oil