Tag Archives: twitpics-she

Katy Perry’s Boobs Keep Up The Good Work

Earlier today I had pictures of Katy Perry’s hipster boobs spilling out all over the children at the Nickleodeon Kids’ Choice Awards while some douche played grab ass with her. Now I’ve got those same boobs making an appearance at some chubby blogger’s birthday party. I wonder if Katy realizes that I’m a blogger, I have birthdays and I might actually appreciate her big boobs showing up to my party once and a while. The only people coming to my events are my mother and the prostitute I’ve hired for the evening, I tell mom Laquisha and I went to grade school together. It can be somewhat uncomfortable.

Holly Madison’s Boobs Can Come In Handy

I don’t know what this event is for, but I’m glad that Playboy Playmate Holly Madison’s big boobies decided to show up. Holly’s boobs are very special to me, we go way back, so I get a little choked up sometimes when I see them all dressed up in a bikini top on the red carpet. I’m just so proud of them. If I was terminally ill, I think I would want to be smothered to death by her boobs. I think she would do it too, she seems very compassionate. I know this because her likes include the color pink and playing with her dog and her dislikes are watching bloggers die of insufferable diseases without ever feeling the sweet sweet softness of Holly Madison’s boobs on their face. Thankfully I’m not in that situation, but it’s probably a good idea if we go through some practice runs just in case. The safe word is applejacks.

Adrianne Curry Knows How To Use Twitter

I have to hand it to Adrianne Curry , she’s pretty much a nobody and yet she still manages get on this site on a regular basis. The girl just knows how to use Twitter can make you famous, post pictures of your boobs, send them to me and you might make it on the site. It’s as simple as that.