Tag Archives: u.s. government

Gubment Conspiracy? 10 Burning Questions About Boston Bombing Saga

Without conspiracy theories and urban myths, life is far less enjoyable, especially in America where millions of paranoid weirdos believe that man never stepped on the moon. In most cases, these theories are completely-ridiculous (and hilarious) when they’re not somewhat legit like those on this list. Here are ten burning questions about the Boston bombing saga. Take a look.

Gubment Conspiracy? 10 Burning Questions About Boston Bombing Saga

PHOTO: What Was Jamie Foxx Buying at Wal-Mart?

Cool! Movie stars are just like us. They even shop at Arizona Wal-marts after Thanksgiving while wearing a scarf and sunglasses inside. At least, Jamie Foxx does. Click below the jump and try to guess what Foxx was shopping for and whether he found it. Or just marvel at this awesome picture. Jamie Foxx: An actor for the people.

See the original post:
PHOTO: What Was Jamie Foxx Buying at Wal-Mart?

Late Night Highlights: Stephen Colbert’s Strangers with Candy Reunion Ends with Bullet

Last night, Stephen Colbert brilliantly paid tribute to Days of Our Lives ‘ hilarious product placement with help from Strangers with Candy partner Paul Dinello and a box of Cheerios. Meanwhile, Chelsea Handler roasted Jay Leno, Kristen Schaal raised money for the Playboy Mansion and Conan monologue-d with Slash.

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Late Night Highlights: Stephen Colbert’s Strangers with Candy Reunion Ends with Bullet

Listen to Snoop Dogg’s Song for Prince William’s Bachelor Party

Obviously, this can’t be real. OK, it’s real , in that you can click ahead and listen to Snoop Dogg’s latest single, “Wet,” but it couldn’t have possibly been made for Prince William’s bachelor party. It contains the phrase, “p***y leaking,” for heaven’s sake! That said: Great job from Snoop’s marketing department to get his newest album, “Doggumentary Music,” in the news alongside the Royal Family. Well played, Mr. Doggy Dogg. Your Google News Alert will be flush with items today. Check out “Wet” after the jump.

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Listen to Snoop Dogg’s Song for Prince William’s Bachelor Party

REVIEW: Paul Giamatti Anchors a Sprawling Barney’s Version

Though it’s wrong to think that curmudgeons are more complex than shiny, happy people are, it’s probably safe to assume they make more interesting movie characters — as long as you don’t have to live with them. In Barney’s Version, Richard J. Lewis’s adaptation of Mordecai Richler’s novel, Paul Giamatti plays the kind of guy most of us wouldn’t want to live with, a grouchy two-bit television exec who’s blown through several marriages and who doesn’t seem to have much use for anyone. But the modest trick of the performance, and of the movie around it, is that a person who seems wholly unbearable at first ends up being someone we can almost care about. That’s the power of art: What does it mean when you find yourself reaching out to a guy you can barely tolerate?

REVIEW: Paul Giamatti Anchors a Sprawling Barney’s Version

Your Government at Work: No More Loud Commercials

As you’re probably aware, the United State of America is in a pretty serious rut. Face it: We’re kinda screwed. But, there is hope: In the coming week , Congress is likely to pass the Commercial Advertising Loudness Mitigation Act (CALM), which “should finally ban TV ads that blare louder than the programs they interrupt.” Yeah, on second thought, we’re still screwed.

See original here:
Your Government at Work: No More Loud Commercials