Tag Archives: under-certain

The Silliest Super Bowl XLV Bets

Of course we know a few people are gonna double or triple their paychecks tonight , depending on who wins Super Bowl 45, how many points they win by, who scores the winning touchdown, etc. But game-related bets aren’t the only ones bookies are cashing in on this weekend. Check out some of the most interesting bets (and possibly the easiest ones to win) this weekend.

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The Silliest Super Bowl XLV Bets

Is It Ever Okay To Date A Friend’s Ex???

Would you ever consider dating your friend’s ex? Would you do it under certain circumstances? See what these New Yorkers had to say about it! Click here for video

Continued here:
Is It Ever Okay To Date A Friend’s Ex???

Michelle Obama Makes a Bet with College Kids

The First Lady will deliver their commencement address – under certain conditions

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Michelle Obama Makes a Bet with College Kids