Source: Earl Gibson III / Getty Sybrina Fulton Receives Honorary Degree From Benedict College Congrats are in order for Sylvia Fulton. The mother of Trayvon Martin deliver the commencement speech at a Benedict College graduation then was immediately awarded an honorary degree from the school. Fulton took to Instagram to share the exciting news and to also mention that she was also awarded the key to the city in Columbia, SC.
Elin Nordegren is opening up about ex-husband Tiger Woods in the new issue of People , telling the magazine, “I have moved on, and I am in a good place.” Mostly. Indeed. She just graduated from Rollins College with a 3.96 GPA, earning her the Class of 2014’s top honor and even gave the commencement speech . During her address, Elin Nordegren made a few jokes at Woods’ expense. Still, she insists they’re fine … even if she’ll never totally get over what he did. “I have moved on, and I am in a good place,” she says, even though “the word betrayal isn’t strong enough” to describe Tiger’s immense cheating. Given his prolific banging of Rachel Uchitel (and Jamie Grubbs, and Joslyn James , and Holly Sampson, and on and on and on), one can certainly understand. Still, regarding her ex, she reiterates, “Our relationship is centered around our children, and we are doing really good. We really are. He is a great father.” “I’m happy for Tiger,” she says, adding of Lindsey Vonn, “In general, in any kind of stepparent relationship, I’m happy that there’s somebody else loving my children.” 9 Sexiest Elin Nordegren Photos 1. Elin Nordegren Bikini Photo Elin Nordegren in a bikini? Now that is some photo, are we right? Nordegren is currently dating coal magnate Chris Cline, 55, and recently moved into a new Florida mansion. They see Tiger and Lindsey regularly. Perhaps because of the insatiable interest in her personal life, she says only, “Chris and I, since we’ve been close, have decided not to talk about our relationship.” Whether marriage and more children are in her future, Nordegren plays it coy, saying that she can certainly see it, but isn’t looking at it as make-or-break: “I think I would like that. Yeah. But I have a boy and a girl, and I couldn’t ask for anything more. I’m in a great spot … great if it happens, great if it doesn’t.” Great that she’s handled this whole situation so well for the last four and a half years, and to see her in such a good place with her own life and Tiger’s.
Should Diddy be allowed to do the commencement speech at Howard after dropping out? Howard University Students Protest Diddy’s Commencement Speech Via TMZ reports: DIDDY CANNOT BE SILENCED — at least at Howard University’s upcoming commencement ceremony … despite some major backlash from the student population. Howard U.’s students are up in arms after Sean “Diddy” Combs was selected to speak at the school’s graduation — mostly because Diddy dropped out of Howard … and many students believe he isn’t a worthy role model. But Howard’s not backing down — a rep for the school tells us, commencement will go forward next month as planned … with Diddy helming the prestigious commencement speech (former speakers include Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, and Maya Angelou). The rep adds, “Howard University continues the tradition of identifying leaders whose work has clearly contributed to the advancement of their fields and the world … We are honored to have Mr. Combs serve as our speaker.” Mark Zuckerberg dropped out Harvard and gave a speech, why can’t Diddy?
Congratulations Oprah ! The billionaire entertainment mogul collected an honorary degree from the highly esteemed Harvard University on Thursday. She also delivered the Class of 2013 commencement address. You can watch below: And check out plenty of photos: WENN Widgets
President Barack Obama returned to Atlanta on Sunday to deliver the 2013 commencement speech at Morehouse College. It was a historic event that saw the…
First Lady ‘Chelly O is talkin that talk! Michelle Obama Speaks On Higher Education For African-American Students First Lady Michelle Obama is giving her two cents on the lack of priority that young African-American students place on higher education. The FLOTUS recently addressed the graduating class of Bowie State University, which is one of many Historically Black Colleges, where she made it a point to stress the importance of going to college and commended the graduating class for beating the statistics. via Think Progress First Lady Michelle Obama decided to trot out some very old talking points in her commencement address to the 2013 graduating class at Bowie State University: “Today, instead of walking miles every day to school, they’re sitting on couches for hours, playing video games, watching TV. Instead of dreaming of being a teacher or a lawyer or a business leader, they’re fantasizing about being a baller or a rapper,” Obama continued. “Right now, one in three African American students are dropping out of high school, only one in five African Americans between the ages of 25 and 29 has gotten a college degree.” But priorities should change, she said, because “getting an education is as important if not more important than it was back when this university was founded.” The first lady is known for keeping it 100 when she speaks, and this time was no exception. What do you think about her comments, Bossip fam?
President Barack Obama will give the commencement speech at Atlanta’s Morehouse College this May, the school announced over the weekend. According to a White House…
Credit: Hemera One year ago we covered the commencement of the Great American Apparel Diet ; participants have staved off clothing consumption for — gulp — 365 days. In a little over 10 days the anti-shopping experiment ends. To help dieters avoid a disposable fashion shopping binge, Sally Bjornsen, creator and founder of the Great American Apparel Diet, has curated “Conscious Shopping” , a new section to her blog, updated thrice weekly, which features eco-friendly app… Read the full story on TreeHugger
‘That moment right there changed my life,’ one graduating students exclaims after shaking hands with the president. President Barack Obama surprises students at Kalamazoo Central High School Photo: MTV News President Barack Obama made some new friends on Monday, when he delivered the commencement address at Michigan’s Kalamazoo Central High School, the winning school among thousands of entrants to the White House’s “Race to the Top High School Commencement Challenge.” Before delivering his speech, the president surprised the class of 2010 with an unannounced informal meeting, where he shook hands and exchanged one-on-one words with the impending graduates. “It was the most amazing thing ever that could ever happen to anybody,” one particularly enthusiastic student gushed, while another classmate chimed in, “That moment right there changed my life, just meeting the president.” During the surprise meeting, Obama praised the high school for its strong sense of community and its promising ideals. “If you carry with you the sense of community you’ve got here in your hometown, there is nothing you can’t accomplish,” he told the students. The president’s words touched Kalamazoo’s graduates greatly. As one student put it, “Giving our school so much praise and saying how much he loved the community and everything, him talking about education [and] going further — it was just really good.” But Obama didn’t even have to open his mouth to thrill the crowd, as his mere presence earned him instant rock-star status with Kalamazoo Central’s nearly 300 graduating seniors. Several students leapt up and down screaming at the top of their lungs, others were left in awe after shaking Obama’s own hand, while some even found the time to share the good news on social networking sites. “I just updated my Facebook status: ‘Just met Barack Obama and made friends with the Secret Service,’ ” one girl happily revealed. Although the reactions to Obama’s appearance varied from student to student, the overall vibe of excitement and pride hanging in the air at Kalamazoo Central High School was palpable. “This is the biggest moment in history and we’re all a part of it,” said one overjoyed classmate. “The whole class of 2010, I’m so excited to just be here in the moment.” “The biggest moment in history” might be something of an overstatement, but Obama’s arrival at Kalamazoo certainly armed the students with an emotional touchstone to look back upon as they move forward with the next phase of their lives. As one graduate astutely observed: “It’s incredible how one man can bring everyone together like that.” Get Schooled is a national program aimed at increasing high school and college graduation rates and promoting the importance of education, developed by Viacom in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Related Videos Race To The Top: President Obama Inspires At Kalamazoo Central High School