Tag Archives: understatement

Toddlers & Tiaras Contestant Smokes Cigarette on Stage, Sets Positive Example

The parents and youngsters of Toddlers & Tiaras will go to the greatest of lengths to make an impression, as we’ve seen in hooker outfits and the like over the years. Four-year-old Destiny smoking is just the newest, crudest example. Dressed up as Sandy from Grease, she took the stage in a black leather outfit, puffing from a prop cigarette. Now that’s sending a positive message! This makes Here Comes Honey Boo Boo look like wholesome TV. At least one judge deducted points on this episode for the use of the prop and the poor message it sends … which may be the understatement of all time. One wonders what doesn’t qualify for a deduction based on that, but we digress. Tell THG what you think of Destiny puffing on her cigarette below. Toddlers & Tiaras: Cancel it?

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Toddlers & Tiaras Contestant Smokes Cigarette on Stage, Sets Positive Example

Jersey Shore Recap: Pitching a Tent

In light of the fact that Jionni LaValle got Snooki pregnant , this week’s Jersey Shore seemed almost irrelevant … and at the same time told us a lot. Last night’s show was filmed long before this bombshell, of course, but the buildup to Mike revealing his “master plan” had long been in the works. Who were the winners and losers of this epic conflict? Let’s recap Jersey Shore , THG style, and find out! After The Situation tells Snooki’s boyfriend that she cheated on him, the two shake hands. Mostly amicable, really. If only for a moment. Plus 11 . Even if Sitch’s story is true, which it probably is, let’s dace it, it’s funny to watch Jionni and Snooki laugh about it as Mike expects drama. Plus 17 . For whatever reason, Mike decides he will go well every roommate what he did … as if they care or he’s doing it out of actual guilt. Minus 45 . When Vin porked Snook, he did not do this. Plus 8 . Snooki confronts The Situation, taking out aggression during a food fight. It’s not as good as the Italy melee, but nevertheless, Plus 8. The roommates watch as Snooki faces off against Sitch. Ever the protective figure, Pauly D tries to shield Deena from the fight. Plus 12 . Snooki really comes out ahead in all this, since Jionni is uncaring about Mike, yet polite enough to indulge him. Takes patience, and some actual brains. Plus 10 . “If my boyfriend heard that news he would be bugging out,” says Sam of Snook’s transgression. Yes, that would be the understatement of all time. Plus 9 . The Situation meets his latest prospect at the club. That took awhile. Plus 8 . JWoww and Deena talk about how much they miss Snooki. Aww. Plus 2 . The gang prepares to go camping. Yes, camping There are Jersey Shore quotes and there are scenes like this where only visuals suffice. Plus 10 for camping. Minus 28 , however, for how Snooki “decides” they should go camping … this girl can’t pronounce “banjo.” No way she has any original thoughts at this point. Ronnie and Sammi struggle with their tent. This is the only time these two ever struggle in the realm of tent pitching. Minus 15 for us and that awful joke. The roommates around Deena to dump Joey. Well, mostly JWoww. Still, Plus 7 . Pauly D and Vinny begin to work on their latest prank. The guys enlist the help of their fellow Shore Store employees. Team Building at its finest! Plus 3 . The Situation plays with fire. In this case, literally, at the campsite. Plus 7 . Deena confronts Snooki for neglecting their friendship. Someone had to say it. Even if she doesn’t mean to, girl can be kind of a drunk mess. Minus 9 . See below, and above point about pictures saying 1,000 words. Plus 10 . Deena’s date becomes … not Deena’s date. Peace out Joe. Holla. Plus 6 . “Hot girls are boring, most of the times,” Vin opines. Word, G. Plus 13 . “I can’t believe he has the brainspan,” says Ron of Mike assembling a tent. We didn’t know Ron could say words like brainspan. Oh wait, we did. Minus 11 . Mike calls Deena a “hermaphrodite.” Not because he’s thinking of a real hermaphrodite , mind you, but because “pyromaniac” escapes them. Minus 21 . Pauly says he didn’t go camping with the gang because there’s just no way to achieve his blowout in the woods. That is probably totally true. Plus 15 . Or he and Vinny just needed some QT. Either way, Plus 5 more . EPISODE TOTAL: +32! SEASON TOTAL: +348! Jersey Shore …

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Jersey Shore Recap: Pitching a Tent

Courtney Robertson: Sort of Defended By Ex-Boyfriend Cavan Clark!

The Bachelor contestant Courtney Robertson may not be a fan favorite. That’s the understatement of all time, actually, but her ex-boyfriend, Cavan Clark says that in real life, she’s different from how she appears on the series. Cavan says that “unlike what you see on the show, she’s actually a nice girl, and getting a bad rap” based on the show’s editing and media coverage. Not sure how a 53-minute trash talk montage can be explained away, but good to hear! Seriously though. 53 minutes, not including Monday’s episode: Courtney Robertson Trash Talk Greatest Hits “I still keep in touch with Courtney,” he adds. “We dated, and after it ended she went on The Bachelor . Life happens; people fall in love and people break up.” The two met and fell in love while Courtney Robertson , 28, was modeling for one of the fashion lines Cavan Clark, a 36-year-old photographer, shoots for. He does say Courtney is doing everything in her power to get the final rose … and reading between the lines, that she might not be motivated by love. “She’s obviously doing everything she can to win this, seeing that it is a reality dating competition,” he says of one of Ben Flajnik’s final three women. If The Bachelor spoilers we’ve compiled are to be believed, she may very well be one of the final two standing this season … we’ll have to wait and see. Aside from Cavan, she dated Jim Toth, before he married Reese Witherspoon, Entourage ‘s Adrian Grenier and Desperate Housewives’ Jesse Metcalfe. Clearly #winning a lot on the Hollywood dating scene. What do you think of Courtney Robertson?

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Courtney Robertson: Sort of Defended By Ex-Boyfriend Cavan Clark!

Lady Gaga’s Meat Dress: Peek Behind The Scenes At Last Year’s VMAs

On ‘VMAs Revealed’ MTV staffers recall the reaction backstage when Gaga unveiled her beefy couture. By Gil Kaufman Lady Gaga at the 2010 Video Music Awards Photo: Getty Images The Video Music Awards have a long history of outrageous, over-the-top and just plain bizarre fashion firsts. Artists tend to think way outside the box when it comes to dressing up for the VMAs , but perhaps no getup in show history has gotten as much attention, caused as much head scratching and turned more heads than Lady Gaga ‘s infamous meat dress. After walking the white carpet in a flowing gold and burgundy Alexander McQueen dress with a matching headdress, Mother Monster shocked the world at the 2010 awards when she slipped into her third outfit of the night: a dress made out of some choice cuts of beef. “As soon as I saw her on that white carpet I just knew that this night was gonna be Gaga insanity,” said Alycia Belle, VMA wardrobe stylist for the 2010 show, in a new “VMAs Revealed” special that premiered on Saturday (August 20). Before unwrapping the cow couture, Gaga had merely one wardrobe change during the show — a black Armani leather dress with spiked bustier. But when the time came to announce Video of the Year, the audience had no idea what was about to hit them. The folks working behind the scenes saw a suspicious number of coolers being brought into Gaga’s dressing room, so they could tell that something was up. “I’m getting calls that she needs to be in her seat, we give her kind of a two-minute head’s up, the door opens up, and I see she’s wearing a red dress,” said Ernesto Elias, Gaga’s talent escort at the show. “I start to notice people staring a little bit harder than they normally would.” And with good reason. While plenty of stars were wearing leather shoes, or even cowhide skirts, no one expected the eye-popping fashion choice that Gaga was about to unveil. “I was literally this close to her … I just remember looking at it and just wondering, ‘Is that really … ?’ remembered Sandra Piedra, talent coordinator for the 2010 VMAs. After a harder look, Elias said he realized that it was not a “normal” type of fabric. Let’s call that the understatement of the year. “People who were on the floor, who are right around her, are like, ‘It’s meat ! Meat! Like, ground chuck meat!’ ” Dave Sirulnick, executive producer of the VMAs, recalled. “I know that there is nobody who ever heard the two words ‘meat’ and ‘dress’ put together before September 12 [2010] at about 11 p.m.” And with the announcement this week that Gaga will be opening the 2011 VMAs , fans of music and fashion everywhere can’t wait to see how she’ll top herself. The 28th annual MTV Video Music Awards will air live on Sunday, August 28, from the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles at 9 p.m. ET/PT. See the list of nominees, revisit last year’s highlights and vote for your favorites in the general categories by visiting VMA.MTV.com . Related Videos ‘VMAs Revealed’: Peek Behind The Scenes At Last Year’s VMAs Related Photos VMA 2010: Lady Gaga Lookbook

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Lady Gaga’s Meat Dress: Peek Behind The Scenes At Last Year’s VMAs

Heidi Montag to Sing at Miss Universe Pageant

For reasons unknown to anyone alive, The Hills star Heidi Montag has been selected to perform during the 2009 Miss Universe Pageant telecast next month. Talk about hitting a low note in the history of pageants and music. The god-awful “singer” will belt out “Turn Ya Head” off her upcoming debut record, Unleashed , during the August 23 broadcast.

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Heidi Montag to Sing at Miss Universe Pageant