Tag Archives: unofficial-fan

Candice Swanepoel for Some Brian Atwood Campaign of the Day

I am doing a bad job of playing it cool with Candice Swanepoel, cuz if you actually read this site you will know that earlier today, I decided that I wasn’t going to make this an unofficial fan site for the bitch, even though I’d like it to be, cuz she’s perfect…because that would be weird and ruin all chances of ever tricking her into having sex with me, cuz my kind of fan behavior, is often criminal….sure, I like to think of it as passion, because when you find a special sex kitten you want to pet all day…you give it your all…but the law is less accepting of those things…. The good news is that I can always masturbate to her pics…and so can you…Here she is being the best damn model around for some campaign I like….

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Candice Swanepoel for Some Brian Atwood Campaign of the Day

Jessica Alba’s Posing Hot for a Photoshoot of the Day

I don’t know what this photoshoot is for, but seeing Jessica Alba in a strapless dress, pretty much looking like she’s been knocked over at her high school prom, or even better, like she’s fallen over from being roofied at her high school prom, only for some a sexual predator, let’s say someone like me, you know for the sake of argument, to have clear path to her golden fleshy baby making cavern of all things good in the world…..because mom or not, Alba is still pretty fucking hot, and mom or not, I can still have fantasies of being the guy she never gave the time of day to, getting up inside her while she rests….it’s a totally normal fantasy….google it if you don’t believe me…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Jessica Alba’s Posing Hot for a Photoshoot of the Day

Lindsay ‘Woodstock NY’ Shot By Jonathan Leder of the Day

Jonathan Leder is the photographer behind these pictures of some naked, almost amateur, hot as fuck, model he calls Lindsay ‘Woodstock NY’, Reminding us that there are hot girls everywhere willing to get naked for fun, fashion, art, whatever….that we’ve never seen and may never see again but who possess the same tools needed to be stars….a vagina… Seriously, it may sound like I am making fun of girls and calling them all out for being attention seeking whores, but I fucking love seeing girls who aren’t fat pose naked for photographers for no specific reason….it is a beacon of hope that hot pussy willing to get naked will always exist….and that makes me happy…..

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Lindsay ‘Woodstock NY’ Shot By Jonathan Leder of the Day

Miley Cyrus Ass in the Best Shorts Ever of the Day

I am not an old timer who is shocked by the fashions of Today’s youth. I am in fact a pervert who fucking embraces it. I am just eagerly waiting for things to go crotchless and shirt to have titty holes cut into them…only cuz I like genitals and titties…but then again…I also like a good ass…hanging out of a good pair of shorts…and that seems to be the trend….I see it everywhere and Miley seems to be embracing that with her Gluten Free / Pilates jacked, youthful metabolism rocking ass…that makes her fucking relevant to me….fuck Hannah Montana – this is the real shit…. The truth is there’s no difference between this and a bikini, I mean apple bottoms have been shown off since the 60s and 70s….but that doesn’t mean they aren’t amazing to look at….. I am a Miley Cyrus Fan….I’m gonna start an unofficial fan club….that follows her around….especially down dark alleys….A man is allowed to dream people…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Miley Cyrus Ass in the Best Shorts Ever of the Day

Amanda Seyfried Walkin her Dog in a See Through Sweater of the Day

I’m still Amanda Seyfried’s unofficial fan club. It’s got nothing to do with her bullshit career, from Mean Girls to Jennifer’s Body, see I use Wikipedia, it’s fully due to her nudity and sex scenes in Stripping Chloe . Bitch is a fucking talent as far as I’m concerned and whether she’s boring or not in public, like she usually is, cuz she knows she’s got this thing on lockdown and doesn’t need to try to impress, cuz we’ll keep watching… I think I can see through her sweater. Good Job. I feel like she’s doing it all for me…no I don’t. I’m not weird like that…I’m just weird enough to post pics of a bitch walking her fucking dog like some kind of creep…

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Amanda Seyfried Walkin her Dog in a See Through Sweater of the Day