Former Atlanta Hawks Baller Had Just $62 In Bank Account Former NBA player DeShawn Stevenson is refusing to cough up more than $384,000 to American Express for unpaid credit card bills – and now the company is on the hunt for his bank accounts. American Express Centurion Bank sued Stevenson back in March 2014 in Florida’s Orange County Circuil Court. The bank accused the ex-NBA star of breaching the agreement he had with them over his line of credit. The American Express Centurion card – aka the exclusive members only Black Card – is issued to cardholders who have a certain net worth and spend more than the average cardholder. DeShawn, 35, famously posted a photo of him on social media holding the exclusive Black Card back in 2008. However, it appears the free agent blew off his credit card bills with American Express, which then sued him for breaching their deal. The former Atlanta Hawks player also decided to blow off the lawsuit and never responded to the allegations he owed the credit card company money. As a result, the judge in the case granted a default judgment for $384,000.82 against DeShawn last May. Then last month, American Express headed back to court demanding the judge help them collect on the former NBA star’s six figure debt to them. Bank officials explained that that DeShawn hasn’t paid a dime on the judgment. American Express pleaded with the judge to allow it to issue a writ of garnishment against the NBA star’s bank account to collect on their money. The Florida judge signed off on the motion and allowed the company to subpoena Bank of America’s records for DeShawn’s account. The bank then responded by informing the court they only had $62.09 of his cash and plan on handing it over American Express to put a small dent in the $384,000 judgment. The credit card company will now be on the hunt for other banks or credit unions where DeShawn keeps his cash so they can get their money.
See original here:
BOSSIP Exclusive: Ex-NBA Star DeShawn Stevenson’s Bank Account Seized Over $400K Credit Card Debt