Tag Archives: upcoming-court

Jon Stewart: More Trusted Than MSNBC!

Jon Stewart isn’t even a real news broadcaster, but the Comedy Central figure is more trusted to deliver news than MSNBC, a new study found. According to a new survey by the Brookings Institution and the Public Religion Research Institute, the public trusts him more than a 24/7 news channel. Jon Stewart: Better Than MSNBC at News! The organizations did a study about immigration and the media that contained within it a broader question about which news outlet the public trusts most. Fox News came in first, as per usual; the network has been consistently named both the most and the least trusted name in news. Let’s hear it for polarization! Unfortunately for MSNBC, it was dead last, with just 5 percent of Americans saying they trusted it most … 8 percent, by comparison, chose The Daily Show . Another study showed that Comedy Central’s Stephen Colbert did a better job at informing people about campaign finance issues than traditional outlets. Colbert, of course, is taking over for David Letterman on CBS’ The Late Show next year, where he will likely still outpace MSNBC in viewer trust. Classic Jon Stewart 1. Jon Stewart on Boston Marathon Bombing Jon Stewart weighs in on Monday’s Boston Marathon bombings.

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Jon Stewart: More Trusted Than MSNBC!

Ryan Sweeting: Kaley Cuoco’s Husband Adds Troubling Caption to Instagram Photo

Ryan Sweeting and Kaley Cuoco married unexpectedly at the very end of last year and many fans have expressed concerns that Sweeting’s favorite qualities in Kaley may be her money and fame. The photo above is unlikely to make Kaley’s army of Instagram followers feel any more confident about his intentions. Sure, the picture itself is innocent enough: they’re at the beach, Kaley’s messing around on her phone, and Ryan’s sipping some sort of cocktail. But it’s the caption that has some Kaley fans sketched out: “Literally each of our top priorities,” wrote Sweeting.  He’s probably joking, but still…he should know by now that when your wife is famous, you can’t say on Instagram that booze is your top priority and not expect to catch some flak for it! It’s bad enough that Ryan and Kaley live in the cursed home of Khloe Kardashian , now he’s gotta go and make pink girl drinks his top priority? It’s too early in the relationship for Sweeting to be passing out in a pile of tiny paper umbrellas every night. You haven’t even been married a year, Ryan! You should be enjoying a different kind of sex on the beach! C’mon have you seen your wife!? 27 Hottest Pics of Kaley Cuoco 1. Kaley Cuoco Bikini Photo The world’s hottest Kaley Cuoco bikini photo. Which is saying a lot.

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Ryan Sweeting: Kaley Cuoco’s Husband Adds Troubling Caption to Instagram Photo

Brittny Gastineau: Attacked in Hollywood Hotel by Famous Male Companion

Brittny Gastineau showed off a black eye at several LA hot spots last night, leading many to believe that the friend of Kim Kardshian’s and former reality star was simply craving attention. Brittny Gastineau Black Eye Now it seems the situation may be more serious than initially thought, as sources tell TMZ that Gastineau was viciously attacked in a West Hollywood hotel. According to unconfirmed reports, Gastineau was staying at the London Hotel with a male companion who has not been identified, but is rumored to be famous in his own right. For unknown reasons, the man became angry and attacked Brittny, leaving her so badly injured that she required hospitalization. Believing that she was a victim of domestic violence, doctors alerted the authorities. The attack is believed to have taken place more than a week ago, but Britnny is still showing serious facial bruising.  Britnny, who is best known for her relationship with the Kardashians , has declined to comment or publicly identify her attacker, but his name will likely be revealed in upcoming court proceedings. The Gastineau family has hired famed Hollywood attorney Shawn Holley, and though Brittny has declined to press criminal charges, she will pursue a civil case. Brittny Gastineau Black Eye Pics 1. Brittny Gastineau Black Eye Pic Brittney Gastineau shows off a big black eye without elaboration, yet making sure everyone stops to look at it by hitting up a Hollywood hot spot.

Originally posted here:
Brittny Gastineau: Attacked in Hollywood Hotel by Famous Male Companion