Tag Archives: shawn-holley

NeNe Leakes Threatens to Sue Kenya Moore and Claudia Jordan: Here’s Why!

They may be co-stars on Real Housewives of Atlanta, but NeNe Leakes has made it clear to Kenya Moore and Claudia Jordan: You do not want to mess with me. According to TMZ insiders, an attorney for Leakes has sent a letter to both Moore and Jordan, warning them to stop damaging NeNe’s brand by engaging in trash talk. Specifically, Leakes is demanding that Jordan stop referring to her as bipolar. Her precise issue with Moore is unclear. Just a few weeks ago on their program, Leakes slammed Jordan for kissing up to Kenya, with Claudia responding in kind and calling NeNe as “immature,” “bitchy” and “catty.” Sounds about right for these two, doesn’t it? Those who watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online , of course, may find this lawsuit nonsense a bit hypocritical of NeNe. She hasn’t exactly been above hurling insults at her castmates on this Bravo series. To wit: Leakes once said Jordan was such a tramp that “her clit has left her body.” Sorry. Earmuffs, readers. 21 Real Housewives Feuds For the Ages 21. Bethenny Frankel vs. Jill Zarin & Kelly Bensimon Remember them? Gone but not forgotten, the Bethenny Frankel vs. Jill Zarin tension marked the glory hears of the RHONYC. Jill wasn’t alone in picking this fight. Kelly Bensimon, too, suggested Bethenny wanted her dead at one point, among other highlights.

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NeNe Leakes Threatens to Sue Kenya Moore and Claudia Jordan: Here’s Why!

Lindsay Lohan Prosecutor: She’s Lying About Her Community Service!

Earlier today, we reported that Lindsay Lohan avoided jail time by completing some overdue community service at the last possible minute. Now it seems that we may have spoken too soon, as the prosecutor in Lindsay’s case reportedly believes the actress’ claim that she fulfilled her service requirement is total BS. Radar Online is reporting that Lindsay turned in a highly suspicious progress report today, and it seems she’s about as good of a liar is she is an actress.  “The prosecutor was just given the progress report this morning,” says one insider. “There are some big questions that need to be answered.” Those questions include: Did Lindsay actually find herself a British doppelganger, a la The Parent Trap? “Dates when Lindsay was in the hospital being treated for Chinkungunya are listed as dates she was completing community service,” says the source. That’s right – there are two Lindsays now. We assume she grew the second one so she could harvest its organs. It now looks as  Lindsay’s prosecutor will push for jail time , unless she’s able to furnish hard evidence that she completed all of the service hours required of her. Lindsay’s lawyer Shawn Holley has reportedly vowed to provide the court with evidence that Lindsay’s claims are legit. Does cocaine use count as community service? Because he should have no problem proving she’s done plenty of that. Lindsay Lohan Partying Photos 1. Lindsay Lohan: Cocaine Nose? Some Instagram users have suggested that Lindsay has visible cocaine in her nostril here. Sadly, we wouldn’t be surprised.

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Lindsay Lohan Prosecutor: She’s Lying About Her Community Service!

Brittny Gastineau: Attacked in Hollywood Hotel by Famous Male Companion

Brittny Gastineau showed off a black eye at several LA hot spots last night, leading many to believe that the friend of Kim Kardshian’s and former reality star was simply craving attention. Brittny Gastineau Black Eye Now it seems the situation may be more serious than initially thought, as sources tell TMZ that Gastineau was viciously attacked in a West Hollywood hotel. According to unconfirmed reports, Gastineau was staying at the London Hotel with a male companion who has not been identified, but is rumored to be famous in his own right. For unknown reasons, the man became angry and attacked Brittny, leaving her so badly injured that she required hospitalization. Believing that she was a victim of domestic violence, doctors alerted the authorities. The attack is believed to have taken place more than a week ago, but Britnny is still showing serious facial bruising.  Britnny, who is best known for her relationship with the Kardashians , has declined to comment or publicly identify her attacker, but his name will likely be revealed in upcoming court proceedings. The Gastineau family has hired famed Hollywood attorney Shawn Holley, and though Brittny has declined to press criminal charges, she will pursue a civil case. Brittny Gastineau Black Eye Pics 1. Brittny Gastineau Black Eye Pic Brittney Gastineau shows off a big black eye without elaboration, yet making sure everyone stops to look at it by hitting up a Hollywood hot spot.

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Brittny Gastineau: Attacked in Hollywood Hotel by Famous Male Companion

Ashley Judd and Dario Franchitti: It’s Over!

Dario Franchitti and Ashley Judd are calling it quits after 10 years of marriage. The former couple said in a statement announcing their plans to divorce: “We have mutually decided to end our marriage . We’ll always be family and cherish our relationship based on the special love, integrity, and respect we have always enjoyed.” Ashley Judd, 44, and Dario Franchitti, 39, driver tied the knot in a highly private ceremony in Scotland in 2001 after being engaged for two years before that. Racecar driver Franchitti competes in the IndyCar Series where he was 2007 champion, and he even won the rain-shortened 2007 Indianapolis 500. Judd’s acting credits are well known, but is a run for office in her future? She’s been talked about as a possible 2014 Senate candidate in Kentucky, where Democrats want her to challenge GOP Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

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Ashley Judd and Dario Franchitti: It’s Over!

Lindsay Lohan Freaks Out, Flies to L.A. For Court

Lindsay Lohan took the last flight from JFK to LAX Tuesday night after being warned that she’d be in DEEP if she really did call in sick for court . Mom Dina came along as Lindsay Lohan, broke and deeply in debt, flew first class on American Airlines and landed at around 12:30 this morning. LiLo had no intention of showing Wednesday and got a doctor’s note filed with the court, saying she couldn’t fly due to a respiratory infection. So much for that. Pictures of Lindsay shopping and smoking in SoHo the very day she got the doctor’s note were published on celebrity news site TMZ. Busted, baby! After TMZ – a lawyer-run site, mind you – claimed that the judge would probably issue a warrant for her arrest if she didn’t show, Lohan panicked.  Lindsay sources claiming she’s pleading with Shawn Holley, the attorney she fired this month, to come back, saying she didn’t like replacement Mark Heller. What. A. Mess. Holley made it clear days ago she’s off the case, so it’s now up to Heller, who clearly started off on the wrong foot by submitting the doctor’s note. Heller also sent along a New York Post article saying a lot of people in NYC had the flu. Not that Lindsay is one of them, of course. Pretty shady. The lawyer Heller got to sponsor him to appear in a California court has also never met him, so it’s possible the judge could deny him the right to represent Lindsay. So Lindsay could be lawyer-less when she face the music for lying to police after her summer car crash today (11:30 EST). It could get ugly really fast. Lohan: Will she do time in 2013?   Yes. Her luck is running out and she’s going crazy! No! She always finds a way to get out of it! View Poll »

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Lindsay Lohan Freaks Out, Flies to L.A. For Court

Lindsay Lohan: Will She Go to Jail in 2013?

Lindsay Lohan just dodged another legal bullet. After firing Shawn Holley, her longtime lawyer nevertheless showed up and entered a plea for her in court. Had Holley bailed, after being dismissed a day earlier, a warrant would likely have been issued for Lohan’s arrest. She’s playing with fire, that’s for sure. Linds faces a probation violation, charges of lying to law enforcement and – 3,000 miles away – a separate case in which she was arrested for punching some chick . She’s lookin’ at up to eight months for the probation violation alone, criminal counts aside. Which begs the question: Will she be behind bars at some point this year? Girl’s been a wizard at wriggling out of these things, but she’s getting more and more out of control , and the sheer volume of legal woes will be tough to surmount. Vote in THG’s office pool below – and realize that a “yes” vote does include the brief stints she is known for. If it’s an 82-minute stay before posting bail, you win. Will Lindsay Lohan go to jail in 2013?   Yes. Her luck is running out and she’s going crazy! No! She always finds a way to get out of it! View Poll »

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Lindsay Lohan: Will She Go to Jail in 2013?

Pay Yo Bills: Lindsay “Low On Dough” Blohan Owes Her Lawyer Over $300,000 And Hasn’t Paid In Over A YEAR!

You know white people…get money don’t spend it… Lindsay Lohan Has Owed Lawyer Shawn Holley Over $300,000 For Over A Year Via RadarOnline Lindsay Lohan owes her recently fired, long standing criminal defense attorney, Shawn Holley, a whopping $300,000 plus in unpaid legal fees and hasn’t made a payment to the famed lawyer in more than half a year, RadarOnline.com is exclusively reporting. “Lindsay owes Shawn over $300k in legal fees and she hasn’t made any payments to her in over six months,” a source close to the situation tells Radar. “Lindsay hadn’t paid anything for any of the work Shawn has done on her three new criminal charges of lying to cops, in connection with her car accident in Santa Monica last summer. Shawn has kept Lindsay out of jail for over five years now and she has no idea how good she has had it. Shawn is extremely respected by judges and prosecutors and that has benefited Lindsay greatly. Lindsay’s new criminal attorney, Mark Heller, isn’t even based in Los Angeles and certainly doesn’t have the revered reputation that Shawn does.” As previously reported, Lohan is currently on probation for stealing a necklace from a Venice jewelry store. Meantime, she will be back in court on January 15 to be arraigned on her latest charges. Lohan is required to be in court for the arraignment, at which time she will be required to enter a plea. A date will also be set for a probation violation hearing, and if the troubled actress is found to be guilty, she could be sent to jail for up to six months. “I suspect that Lindsay’s new attorney is either representing her for a reduced fee, or not charging her at all,” the source says. “I think Mark wants the publicity that representing Lindsay Lohan can bring.” What an ungrateful lil beyotch Blohan is! This woman has kept you free on many accounts and sentences to a MINIMUM when jail time was required! Give up that gwap ho! Image via WENN

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Pay Yo Bills: Lindsay “Low On Dough” Blohan Owes Her Lawyer Over $300,000 And Hasn’t Paid In Over A YEAR!

In Shady Azz White Folks News: Lindsay Blohan Catches A Charge For Lying To Cops About Driving In Car Accident

Lindsay just can’t get right… Lindsay Lohan Charged With Lying To Police About Car Accident According to TMZ reports : Lindsay Lohan will be charged with the crime of lying to police after her car accident in June on Pacific Coast Highway … TMZ has learned. We broke the story … Lohan told cops she was NOT behind the wheel of her Porsche when it slammed into the back of an 18-wheeler. Fact is she was — according to multiple witnesses. Law enforcement sources tell us … the case will be filed as a misdemeanor by the Santa Monica City Attorney … possibly this week. The charge could spell huge trouble for Lindsay, because she’s currently on probation for the jewelry heist. The criminal filing could trigger a probation violation, and Judge Stephanie Sautner — the jewelry judge — could send her to the slammer for a long, long time. And law enforcement sources tell us … cops found prescription pills in her purse after the crash. Witnesses tell us pills were also scattered in her trunk. Our sources say authorities were prepared to charge LiLo with drug crimes, but Lindsay’s lawyer, Shawn Holley, gave cops documentations from Lindsay’s doctor, saying the pills were properly prescribed. Authorities then backed off that charge. As for the charge of lying to cops, Lindsay almost dodged that bullet. You may recall, after the accident, Lindsay went to the hospital where she was interviewed by cops, and that’s when she told them she wasn’t behind the wheel. Her lawyer, Shawn Holley, made a mad dash for the hospital to muzzle her client, but she was a few minutes too late. One rule when you are talking to cops, shut the f**k up! SMH Image via WENN

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In Shady Azz White Folks News: Lindsay Blohan Catches A Charge For Lying To Cops About Driving In Car Accident

Jennifer Lopez and Casper Smart Threaten Legal Action Over Tabloid Cover Stories

Casper Smart frequent exotic massage parlors and/or is a homosexual seeking fast and easy one-night stands. So claim a pair of tabloid cover stories this week, both of which have prompted Jennifer Lopez and her boyfriend to threaten lawsuits against the publications behind them. The first, from In Touch , quotes a couple of employees at a massage parlor in New York City who allege Smart has stopped by for appointments there twice in the last month. Star , meanwhile, asserts that the dancer was caught at a peep show in the Big Apple last month, somewhere that’s a “well-known cruising spot for gay men looking for instant hookups.” According to TMZ, the couple’s attorneys, Shawn Holley and Howard Weitzman, have sent letters to both magazine warning that the “reports” are “false, malicious and defamatory” and will cause “immense damage” to Jennifer and Casper’s careers and reputations. They pair will follow up with legal action unless retractions are printed. No response so far from In Touch or Star .

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Jennifer Lopez and Casper Smart Threaten Legal Action Over Tabloid Cover Stories

Lindsay Lohan: PRAISED By Judge in Court!

There’s a first time for everything. Lindsay Lohan not only passed muster at her probation hearing today, she did so with flying colors, earning praise from the judge who has reamed her out in the past. A very surprised Judge Stephanie Sautner began by saying at her hearing today, “Miss Lohan, you have actually done your work.” That she has, and then some … The judge noted that Lindsay completed her community service early and even went to an extra therapy session – five instead of the mandated four – since last time. Sautner said the Los Angeles County morgue was pleased by the work Lindsay has done there over the past month, or “at least as pleased as a morgue can be.” Her supervisor at the morgue has said he has been blown away, in fact, calling her work “stellar,” and saying she’s “a delight to work with and hard working.” Lohan gets props for turning it around, but so do Sautner and her attorney Shawn Holley, who set up a rigid structure – something LL’s parents never provided. Score one for the legal system … for once. And for the guy who hacked the Lindsay Lohan Playboy pictures . Thanks to him, the issue comes out this week! [Photo: Pacific Coast News]

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Lindsay Lohan: PRAISED By Judge in Court!