Tag Archives: before-posting

Jessica Biel: Pregnant For Real! Congratulated on Impending Motherhood By Fashion Editor!

Jessica Biel has been the center of pregnancy rumors already, but it looks like they have just been confirmed, with the star congratulated on her “impending motherhood.” Biel’s pal and InStyle editor Ariel Foxman posted a #TBT pic of the actress with the telling caption “Congrats @jessicabiel on your impending motherhood.” “Looking forward to the red carpet maternity style pix to come #tbt.” “Impending motherhood” and “Red carpet maternity style” don’t leave room for much ambiguity, unless she’s just reading Jessica Biel pregnant rumors on THG. If so, we suggest calling the star before posting online next time. It’s The Hollywood Gossip, after all, not The Hollywood Jessica Biel Fact File. Although it looks very much like she and Justin Timberlake are expecting . Another recent report indicated that Biel is three months along and due in April, after she was seen wearing some loose-fitting clothing during a recent hike. Meanwhile, Timberlake shared his first ever Instagram photo with Biel, showing them sitting on a bench on a cliff overlooking the ocean in New Zealand. He captioned the pic with one of the best Ferris Bueller’s Day Off quotes : “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” Might he be musing on his impending fatherhood? Looks like it! Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake: Through the Years 1. Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel Pic Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are so hot. Just look at them. Is your screen about to melt or what?

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Jessica Biel: Pregnant For Real! Congratulated on Impending Motherhood By Fashion Editor!

Clean That Isht Up! A Gallery Of The Filthiest Dirty Room Selfies

We’re not sure why attention-thirsty birds refuse to CLEAN UP THEIR FILTHY, MUSTY, ROACH-INFESTED ROOMS before posting selfies on the internet but it’s a nasty trend that’s only getting worse in 2014. Hit the jump for the filthiest dirty room selfies on the ‘net.

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Clean That Isht Up! A Gallery Of The Filthiest Dirty Room Selfies

Lindsay Lohan: Will She Go to Jail in 2013?

Lindsay Lohan just dodged another legal bullet. After firing Shawn Holley, her longtime lawyer nevertheless showed up and entered a plea for her in court. Had Holley bailed, after being dismissed a day earlier, a warrant would likely have been issued for Lohan’s arrest. She’s playing with fire, that’s for sure. Linds faces a probation violation, charges of lying to law enforcement and – 3,000 miles away – a separate case in which she was arrested for punching some chick . She’s lookin’ at up to eight months for the probation violation alone, criminal counts aside. Which begs the question: Will she be behind bars at some point this year? Girl’s been a wizard at wriggling out of these things, but she’s getting more and more out of control , and the sheer volume of legal woes will be tough to surmount. Vote in THG’s office pool below – and realize that a “yes” vote does include the brief stints she is known for. If it’s an 82-minute stay before posting bail, you win. Will Lindsay Lohan go to jail in 2013?   Yes. Her luck is running out and she’s going crazy! No! She always finds a way to get out of it! View Poll »

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Lindsay Lohan: Will She Go to Jail in 2013?

The Situation Calls Rehab Rumors "Ridiculous Embellishments"

Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino says he’s getting a much-need breather, but denies (mostly) that he is in rehab for any sort of substance abuse problem. After TMZ reported that Sitch was in rehab Tuesday, a rep for the Jersey Shore star said that he was at an undisclosed location “for much needed rest.” The rep chalked that up to “his extensive production and appearance schedule.” Now Mike’s personally commenting on the (sorry) situation as well: He didn’t flat out deny it, but called out TMZ for “ridiculous embellishments.” “You can’t believe everything you hear about ‘the situation’ with The Situation,” he wrote on his blog, hilariously called Sitch News, early Wednesday. The GTL-loving reality star added, “This is just like the child hood game of ‘telephone.’ Someone hears a small rumor and blows it out of proportion.” “All these websites are doing is spreading gossip / hearsay, and unless you hear it from us, you can’t believe everything you read,” Situation said, before posting the aptly-titled YouTube video of Adele’s “Rumour Has It.” Good song! Whether or not he’s got a problem, we’re looking forward to a refreshed Mike heading back to Seaside Heights for Jersey Shore Season 6 this summer. UPDATE : TMZ just reported that Situation is undergoing rehab at the famous Cirque Lodge in Utah, for addiction to prescription medication.

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The Situation Calls Rehab Rumors "Ridiculous Embellishments"

Disgusting Shit Eater of the Day

Here’s a video of some girl in what must be a drama class – picking her ass and eating whatever she pulled out – while everyone laughed. I am sure we’ve all got our own habits…from eating our own cum, to eating our snot, to drinking piss, to letting our dog eat our assholes while we jerk off…hoping no one notices….or sees it…but we usually don’t do it out in public…but sometimes we get into our own world and forget we’re surrounded by people…especially when we are autistic…you gotta know better fuck, everyone’s carrying a fucking video camera these day shiteater… I had to think this one through before posting it, only because laughing at celebrities who are overpaid and annoy me is one thing…and laughing at people who fuck with me or people I like is one thing…and making fun of people who really deserve to be made fun of is one thing….but laughing at some socially awkward weird girl doing something disgusting that is about to blow up on the internet is a total other thing… YOu see videos like this are the kind of shit that lead people to suicide…and the only advice I can offer this shit eater is that before she does it…look at Mischa Barton…she’s done far worse than eaten her own shit on the Internet….and she hasn’t killed herself – so don’t do it. EIther way, I hear once you start eating shit, it’s hard to kick it, and I guess this is the proof…Enjoy it as much as she enjoys her shit.. Now we’re all gonna laugh at this bitch cuz she’s ugly, but if she was hot, we’d all be jerking off to this like it was a new fetish…the world is so hard on ugly shiteaters..


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Disgusting Shit Eater of the Day