Tag Archives: majority-leader

It’s Time To Tell The Real Story About The People Of Baltimore

Of all the images I have seen of Baltimore’s unrest, the one that strikes me most is of Geraldo Rivera, walking away from a protester saying, “Just talk to me.” Rivera was reporting there for Fox News, though he tries avoiding the young man, walking in a circle as if playing duck, duck goose . As the protester realized, Rivera had made up his mind about these demonstrators long before he arrived. Later, to Sen. Majority Leader Catherine Pugh, he called them “vandals.” Shutting down a conversation before it even begins – that is some of the most harmful behavior I have seen since demonstrations protesting Freddie Gray’s death changed to riots. I live in Atlanta, after having grown up in Frederick, Md., and interned in Baltimore for two years while attending University of Maryland, College Park. So before Rivera arrived in the city, I saw how some friends and acquaintances who lived nearby were acting just as willfully ignorant. “Remind me never to buy property in Baltimore,” an ex said, before I un-friended him on Facebook. It seems far less stressful and complicated to talk at people – like my ex trying to get a laugh – or ignore them as I was doing, than to talk with them. So to see community leaders actively call out major news outlets and their one-dimensional narratives – in Erin Burnett’s case, her insistence on calling protesters “thugs” – has been inspiring and felt important. After all, last week was the first time Baltimore had been covered by national media since The Wire, a show about the city’s plight, wrapped in 2007. When I was originally asked to write about Baltimore, I had a rough sketch of a story in mind. I wanted to talk about seeing the protests from Atlanta, then compare what I saw to one of my defining UMD experiences: a riot on Route 1 following a Maryland-Duke basketball game. The more I watched these protesters speak up, though, the more silly it seemed for me, of all people, to weigh in when I never lived in Baltimore, much less noticed the blue-light cameras in some neighborhoods – what used to be one of the city’s most visible crime-fighting tools. So I decided instead to talk to friends and family with more meaningful relationships to the city – like my friend Katherine, who lived and/or worked there for six straight years before moving to Brooklyn. She was the person who told me about the cameras. “It never gave me the feeling of being safe waiting for the city buses. It was just more like, this is a punishment because you’re not rich and white,” she said. My friend Aamir has lived in Station North for the past year and a half. He spent Monday night watching the news, seeing images of burning buildings but also interviews with kids, peeved that Baltimore built another dog park instead of a rec center. The next day he helped with a clean-up that didn’t appear on TV, though D’Angelo from The Wire showed up. “I always feel like a jerk in those situations because I have to really force myself to go these things – and people just do it,” he says. A friend’s friend, Sean, spent a few days roaming the city and posting to social media about what was happening. When he was in the Army a few years back, he worked as a military police, trained to do what the officers in Baltimore, wearing riot gear, were doing. “Learning how to operate in situations where there is civil unrest was part of my job,” he says. But he also recognized that by simply being among the thousands out and about, police could still see him as another potential cause for trouble. On Thursday, NPR publishes a four-minute story called “Baltimore Unrest Reveals Tensions Between African-Americans and Asians.” Unwittingly my cousin William had provided a response of sorts. On Tuesday night, his Korean godparents asked if he can help out with their store on Edmondson Avenue, because other stores were either closed or burned. They spent their nights there, to ward off other potential looters. “It’s a systemic socioeconomic issue rather than racial like in Ferguson, although all of those things are intertwined,” William writes by email. “Baltimore is a village with a plethora of villages in it. Each village, each hood stay within their boundaries, which is why if you drive in Baltimore, it’s different every five blocks or even block by block.” I understand that from a journalist’s perspective, what my friends told me would provide the basis for, but wouldn’t comprise an entire story. I would need to do a lot of fact-checking. Still, I was struck by how much more illuminating and complex their accounts and opinions were than the sheltered Wolf Blitzer’s – like when Katherine said this: “People who have been protesting, missing class and missing work to participate in these actions love their city too.” Just talk to people, even long after the noise dies down. This is the most useful thing I’ve done all week. I’ve learned more of Baltimore from their stories than from CNN. ===================================================================================================== Christina Lee is an Atlanta-based writer. Her reviews, essays and profiles have appeared in RollingStone.com, Billboard, MTV Networks and Gawker Media.

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It’s Time To Tell The Real Story About The People Of Baltimore

Ashley Judd and Dario Franchitti: It’s Over!

Dario Franchitti and Ashley Judd are calling it quits after 10 years of marriage. The former couple said in a statement announcing their plans to divorce: “We have mutually decided to end our marriage . We’ll always be family and cherish our relationship based on the special love, integrity, and respect we have always enjoyed.” Ashley Judd, 44, and Dario Franchitti, 39, driver tied the knot in a highly private ceremony in Scotland in 2001 after being engaged for two years before that. Racecar driver Franchitti competes in the IndyCar Series where he was 2007 champion, and he even won the rain-shortened 2007 Indianapolis 500. Judd’s acting credits are well known, but is a run for office in her future? She’s been talked about as a possible 2014 Senate candidate in Kentucky, where Democrats want her to challenge GOP Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

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Ashley Judd and Dario Franchitti: It’s Over!

President Obama’s remarks at WH event to observe LGBT Pride Month


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Here’s video from the White House LGBT Pride Month reception. I’ve posted the transcript here . Slated to be there today (via emailed pool report): Administration Officials John Berry, Director of the US Office of Personnel Management Nancy Sutley, Chair, CEQ Brad Kiley, Director of the White House Office of Management and Administration Elected Officials Hon. Blake Oshiro, Majority Leader, Hawaii… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Pam’s House Blend Discovery Date : 30/06/2011 02:19 Number of articles : 2

President Obama’s remarks at WH event to observe LGBT Pride Month

Fitzgerald Admits To Union-Busting


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Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald revealed what has been obvious to many from the beginning: that the attempt to strip public employees of their rights to collective bargaining is about busting the union not the budget. In an appearance on Fox News’ Megyn Kelly show, Fitzgerald made this startling admission: If they flip the state senate which is obviously the goal with these recalls… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : MN Progressive Project Discovery Date : 09/03/2011 22:45 Number of articles : 2

Fitzgerald Admits To Union-Busting

Libertarians fight to break cycle of battered gay voter syndrome

Like abused spouses who keep returning to their aggressors, gay voters keep handing their votes to the Democrats who abuse them. The Libertarian Party (LP) wants to break this self-destructive behavior and offers LGBT voters a better alternative. LP Chairman Mark Hinkle said, “Exit polls indicate that Democrats get over 70% of LGBT votes in federal elections. Those voters must really love the Democrats' rhetoric, because they certainly aren't seeing any action. “President Obama and the Democrats had almost a year of complete control of the federal government: the Presidency, the House, and a filibuster-proof 60 votes in the Senate. They could have repealed 'don't ask don't tell.' They could have gotten rid of the Defense of Marriage Act. But they didn't do either of those things. That's a complete and total betrayal of all the promises they made to gay and lesbian voters for years. “After a carefully orchestrated failure in the Senate, the Democrats are now blaming Republicans for blocking the repeal of 'don't ask don't tell.' Of course, three Democrats just voted against it too, including Majority Leader Harry Reid. Reid claims he voted for procedural reasons, but the whole situation seems calculated to look like they're trying to help, while making sure they don't actually help.” Unlike the Democratic and Republican Parties, the Libertarian Party believes that gays and lesbians deserve equal treatment under the law. LP Executive Director Wes Benedict added, “The Libertarian Party neither supports nor opposes gay relationships. Libertarians are black, white, young, old, straight, gay, Christian, atheist, yuppie, hippie, rich, poor, greedy, generous, eccentric and just plain average. Though their backgrounds and lifestyles are diverse, they are united on the principle of minimum government and maximum freedom.” The LP Platform states: “1.3 Personal Relationships Sexual orientation, preference, gender, or gender identity should have no impact on the government's treatment of individuals, such as in current marriage, child custody, adoption, immigration or military service laws. Government does not have the authority to define, license or restrict personal relationships. Consenting adults should be free to choose their own sexual practices and personal relationships.” The Libertarian Party has 21 candidates for U.S. Senate and 170 candidates for U.S. House in the upcoming November 2010 elections. For more information, or to arrange an interview, call LP Executive Director Wes Benedict at 202-333-0008 The LP is America's third-largest political party, founded in 1971. The Libertarian Party stands for free markets and civil liberties. You can find more information on the Libertarian Party at our website. http://www.lp.org/news/press-releases/libertarians-fight-to-break-cycle-of-batte… added by: shanklinmike

The Democrat Party’s Long and Shameful History of Bigotry and Racism

A common attack upon conservatives and republicans by the ultra left is to engage in what has come to be known as “playing the race card” but is more accurately described as racial McCarthyism. Hardly a day goes by without a member of the far left wing falsely accusing conservatives of racism, bigotry, and a wide array of similar nasty things. They are not only dishonest, but they often border on the absurd, as in NAACP leader and hyper bigot Julian Bond's recent implication to his organization that Bush administration officials supported confederate slavery. Amazingly, Bond's statements went without condemnation from the radical Democrat party or others in his organization. Not surprisingly, in all the lies and accusations of racism by the radical left wing, the truth becomes distorted not only about the Republicans but also the Democrats who make these accusations themselves. For instance, you may or may not have heard Democrat Senator Robert Byrd's outburst of racist bigoted slurs, more specifically the “n-word,” on national television in March of 2001. Amazingly, this incident of blatant racism on national television drew barely a peep from the NAACP, Jesse Jackson, Julian Bond, Mary Frances Berry, or any of the other ambulance chasers who purport themselves to be the leaders of the civil rights movement. In contrast, the main source of well deserved criticism for Byrd's racist outburst came not from any of the so called leaders of the civil rights movement but from from Republican Majority Leader Dick Armey (source). The race hustlers Jackson, Mfume et al turned a blind eye towards this act of racism by one of their own party, at most issuing an unpublicized slap on the wrist, or, as was more often the case, making not a peep. But where the race hustlers turn a blind eye and spew their lies, it is up to conservatives to set the record straight with the truth. In response to the growing practice of racial McCarthyism by prominent left wing Democrats, it is necessary to expose the truth about the Democrat Party's record on Civil Rights: http://gopcapitalist.tripod.com/democratrecord.html added by: congoboy

Oil Change International: It’s Time To "Clean Up The Senate"

Majority Leader Harry Reid, the Senate’s ringmaster (photo via flickr) As George Parker so thoughtfully detailed last week in is New Yorker story , the U.S. Senate has become a place that produces imperfect policy, when it does produce policy, and the rest of the time the members of the “World’s Greatest Deliberative Body” are off raising money. One thing they are not doing is taking action on our dependance on dirty fossil fuels, which is why Oil Change International has launched CleanUptheSenate.com . … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Oil Change International: It’s Time To "Clean Up The Senate"

Chris Matthews Stars in Future Marco Rubio Campaign Commercial

Are you happy with the job that the Obama administration and the Democrats are doing? If so, then vote for Charlie Crist for the U.S. Senate because Chris Matthews happily proclaimed that Crist is going to be the new star in the Democrat caucus. However, if you are dissatisfied with the direction this nation is going and want to change it, then Marco Rubio will be your choice which is why your humble correspondent won’t be a bit surprised to see this video of Matthews making his proclamation about Crist on Morning Joe end up as a Rubio campaign commercial. Here is a transcript of Matthews delivering his kiss of death product endorsement of Charlie Crist: Charlie Crist is going to be the new star of the Democratic caucus in the Senate. He’s going to be a major player in the Democratic Party down the road. He’ll be a moderate Democrat somewhere in the middle. I think he’s very shrewd and nimble. This sudden Matthews infatuation with Charlie Crist stands in sharp contrast with his attitude back in May when he was sharply critical of the Florida governor’s performance on Meet The Press where he played coy by avoiding a direct answer about which party he would caucus with and for whom he would vote for Majority Leader of the Senate as you can see in the video below: Here is a transcript of Matthews’ disgust with Crist at that time: …I used to sort of like Charlie Crist but he’s off-base on that. You have to join a party caucus before you can vote for leader. He can’t decide which leader he’s going to vote for because he’s not even voting. He must join a caucus then you get to vote for which person leads that caucus. That’s how it’s done. He doesn’t seem to know that or he rejects knowing it. What do you think? Is he just ignorant or is he playing a game here? So what changed in the past couple of months to cause Matthews to move from disgust with Charlie Crist to developing a “strange new respect” for the Florida governor? Most likely it was the realization by Matthews and fellow liberals that the likely Democrat nominees, Kendrick Meek or billionaire Jeff Greene, have little or no chance of winning the general election in November. Therefore the best chance of promoting the liberal agenda in the Senate would be to back Charlie Crist running as an independent who was too liberal to win the Republican nomination. And Marco Rubio should thank Matthews for that wonderful future campaign commercial clip reminding Florida voters (many of whom still mistakenly think of Crist as a Republican) that Charlie is a Democrat.

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Chris Matthews Stars in Future Marco Rubio Campaign Commercial

Indonesia sets record with 10,000 paper lanterns

More than 10,000 twinkling paper lanterns were released into the night sky from a beach in Indonesia, setting a world record, officials said on Monday. added by: poojam 3 comments

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Indonesia sets record with 10,000 paper lanterns

Public option likely to be removed from healthcare overhaul

Chances that a so-called “public option” — under which the government would set up competitors to private health insurers — appear to be dimming. With recent hard-edged comments by Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT), who avers that he will vote to filibuster any bill that contains a public-run health insurer, moderates have been meeting to hammer out a deal

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Public option likely to be removed from healthcare overhaul