Wrap it up people. The cooties are prevalent in these streets … Study Pinpoints 400K Undiagnosed Cases Of Chlamydia A new public health study has discovered that based on stats, you or your partner (provided you have ONLY one) just might be running around with extra friends in your underwear and have no idea… Via FoxNews : Hundreds of thousands of Americans may have chlamydia – and they don’t even know it. According to a new government report, approximately 1.8 million people in the United States have the sexually transmitted disease, but only 1.4 million infections have been recorded, HealthDay News reported. That equates to about 400,000 undiagnosed cases. For their study, which was presented Tuesday at the STD Prevention Conference in Atlanta, researchers analyzed data from the 2007 to 2012 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Along with the revelation of underreported cases, they also found that young women are at a much greater risk of harboring chlamydia, with infection rates the highest among sexually active girls between the ages of 14 and 19. Additionally, rates were much different between races; around 18.6 percent of sexually active black teens were found to have chlamydia compared to 3.2 percent of sexually active white teen girls. Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection that can cause serious damage to a woman’s reproductive system, hindering her chances of getting pregnant later on in life. Many people who have chlamydia may not exhibit symptoms until several weeks after having sex with an infected partner. Symptoms can include abnormal discharge from the vagina or penis, a burning sensation during urination and pain or swelling in the testicles for men. This doesn’t even mention the worst symptom of them all…NO SYMPTOMS WHATSOEVER. Yep, which is why a small number of you reading this have the infectious bacteria swimming all around in your business right now and don’t even know it… Scary stuff, right? Feel like going to get tested yet? If not, just quickly do a Google image search on Chlamydia… Right. Enjoy the clinic tomorrow morning.
See the original post here:
Stay Strapped: Study Finds Over 400,000 Undiagnosed Cases Of Chlamydia In The US