Tag Archives: airs-on-current

Woman charged with sexually assaulting young boy

Veronica M. Allen, 25-year-old woman from Fort Edward, New York, has been arrested for allegedly engaging in sex with a 12-year-old boy. Allen, of Notre Dame Street, was acquainted with the boy before the alleged crime according to police, and is charged with two counts of first-degree rape and one count of first-degree criminal sexual act, all felonies. Police was alerted after the boy told his family about the sex acts earlier this month with Allen. Allen was arraigned in the Village of Fort Edward Court and remanded to the Washington County jail for lack of $25,000 cash bail or $50,000 bond. added by: b2r

The Independent Girls’ Guide to Thanksgiving

Single and lonely this holiday season? Erin Gibson has some time-tested tips for single ladies spending their Thanksgiving solo. infoMania is a half-hour satirical news show that airs on Current TV. The show puts a comedic spin on the 24-hour chaos and information overload brought about by the constant bombardment of the media. Hosted by Conor Knighton and co-starring Brett Erlich, Erin Gibson, Ben Hoffman, Bryan Safi, Ellen Fox, and Sergio Cilli, the show airs on Thursdays at 11/10c on Current TV. Go to http://current.com/infomania for more, and make sure to check out our Facebook profile for special features at http://facebook.com/infomania . added by: Erin_Gibson

Too Smelly For TV: Every Fart App in 100 Seconds

Steve Jobs recently announced the new guidelines for Apple's app store, where he declared “We don't need any more fart apps” for the iPad or iPhone. Are there enough fart apps in the app store now to get you by? In this web extra, Ben Hoffman takes a listen to EVERY fart app available. Tune in to this week's episode of the Webby-nominated infoMania Tech Report to see him really test them all and figure out which is right for you. The infoMania Tech Report is a weekly segment where technology guru Ben Hoffman takes a look at the newest tech products, gadgets and video games. It has been called “the funniest tech show on the web.” (No source for that quote is available at this time. In fact, there's a good chance it was made up.) For more Ben visit http://current.com/techreport/ and Current TV. infoMania is a half-hour satirical news show that airs on Current TV. The show puts a comedic spin on the 24-hour chaos and information overload brought about by the constant bombardment of the media. Hosted by Conor Knighton and co-starring Brett Erlich, Sarah Haskins, Ben Hoffman, Bryan Safi and Sergio Cilli, the show airs on Thursdays at 10 pm Eastern and Pacific Times and can be found online at http://current.com/infomania/ or on Current TV. And make sure to check out our facebook profile for special features at http://facebook.com/infomania . added by: Ben_Hoffman

infoMania 9.16.10

Host Conor Knighton and comedic crew wickedly skewer the week in media. Check out Oprah's amazing giveaway, some spectacular NFL highlights, all the “Gossip Girl” you'll even need to see, and Nancy Grace dishing out “Swift Justice.” This brand new episode also features Erin Gibson dressing down skinny models, Sergio Cilli's “White Hot Top Five” returns with Usher back in the club, and “Viral Video Film School” has a bone to pick with jerk animals. Plus, Conor finds out he's not a Kardashian and takes on ninjas in the news. infoMania is a half-hour satirical news show that airs on Current TV. The show puts a comedic spin on the 24-hour chaos and information overload brought about by the constant bombardment of the media. Hosted by Conor Knighton and co-starring Brett Erlich, Erin Gibson, Ben Hoffman, Bryan Safi and Sergio Cilli, the show airs on Thursdays at 10/9c on Current TV. added by: infoMania

Trashing the Cat: Security Camera Theatre

The problem with the video of this seemingly harmless London woman trashing an equal harmless cat is that there's no sound to give us context. Thankfully, the cast of infoMania is here to tell you exactly how it all went down. infoMania is a half-hour satirical news show that airs on Current TV. The show puts a comedic spin on the 24-hour chaos and information overload brought about by the constant bombardment of the media. Hosted by Conor Knighton and co-starring Brett Erlich, Erin Gibson, Ben Hoffman, Bryan Safi and Sergio Cilli, the show airs on Thursdays at 10/9c on Current TV. Go to http://current.com/infomania for more, and make sure to check out our Facebook profile for special features at http://facebook.com/infomania . added by: infoMania

The Democrat Party’s Long and Shameful History of Bigotry and Racism

A common attack upon conservatives and republicans by the ultra left is to engage in what has come to be known as “playing the race card” but is more accurately described as racial McCarthyism. Hardly a day goes by without a member of the far left wing falsely accusing conservatives of racism, bigotry, and a wide array of similar nasty things. They are not only dishonest, but they often border on the absurd, as in NAACP leader and hyper bigot Julian Bond's recent implication to his organization that Bush administration officials supported confederate slavery. Amazingly, Bond's statements went without condemnation from the radical Democrat party or others in his organization. Not surprisingly, in all the lies and accusations of racism by the radical left wing, the truth becomes distorted not only about the Republicans but also the Democrats who make these accusations themselves. For instance, you may or may not have heard Democrat Senator Robert Byrd's outburst of racist bigoted slurs, more specifically the “n-word,” on national television in March of 2001. Amazingly, this incident of blatant racism on national television drew barely a peep from the NAACP, Jesse Jackson, Julian Bond, Mary Frances Berry, or any of the other ambulance chasers who purport themselves to be the leaders of the civil rights movement. In contrast, the main source of well deserved criticism for Byrd's racist outburst came not from any of the so called leaders of the civil rights movement but from from Republican Majority Leader Dick Armey (source). The race hustlers Jackson, Mfume et al turned a blind eye towards this act of racism by one of their own party, at most issuing an unpublicized slap on the wrist, or, as was more often the case, making not a peep. But where the race hustlers turn a blind eye and spew their lies, it is up to conservatives to set the record straight with the truth. In response to the growing practice of racial McCarthyism by prominent left wing Democrats, it is necessary to expose the truth about the Democrat Party's record on Civil Rights: http://gopcapitalist.tripod.com/democratrecord.html added by: congoboy

Best of infoMania’s Music Intervention with Sergio Cilli

infoMania's Sergio Cilli is rounding up all of his favorite Music Intervention segments — with the help of some other infoMania co-hosts. He even finds time to set Ben Hoffman straight! Watch infoMania on Thursday, September 9 at 10/9c to catch the full special! infoMania is a half-hour satirical news show that airs on Current TV. The show puts a comedic spin on the 24-hour chaos and information overload brought about by the constant bombardment of the media. Hosted by Conor Knighton and co-starring Brett Erlich, Erin Gibson, Ben Hoffman, Bryan Safi and Sergio Cilli, the show airs on Thursdays at 10/9c on Current TV. Go to http://current.com/infomania for more, and make sure to check out our Facebook profile for special features at http://facebook.com/infomania . added by: Ben_Hoffman

Back to School: infoMania: 8.26.10

Host Conor Knighton and comedic crew wickedly skewer the week in media. Check out “The Miss Universe Pageant,” the Kardashians with George Lopez on “Larry King Live,” Rob Blagojevich at Comic Con, and Hillary Clinton up a tree. This brand new episode features Sergio Cilli staging an MGMT “Music Intervention,” Ben Hoffman debuting his new segment, “Kid's Kouch,” and a football edition of “Viral Video Film School.” Plus, Conor channels a young Bill O'Reilly and takes on celebrities selling crap on TV. infoMania is a half-hour satirical news show that airs on Current TV. The show puts a comedic spin on the 24-hour chaos and information overload brought about by the constant bombardment of the media. Hosted by Conor Knighton and co-starring Brett Erlich, Erin Gibson, Ben Hoffman, Bryan Safi and Sergio Cilli, the show airs on Thursdays at 10/9c on Current TV. added by: infoMania

Focus on the Family: That’s Gay Salutes

This week, Bryan Safi salutes Focus on the Family for making sure children aren't tricked into giving up homophobia as they head back to school. Even pictures of cute animals aren't safe anymore! For more Bryan, tune in to infoMania on Thursdays at 10/9c. That's Gay is a recurring segment on the weekly television show infoMania. In each episode of That's Gay, Bryan Safi explores gay issues and stereotypes as they are portrayed by the clueless media. For more Bryan visit http://current.com/groups/thats-gay/ and Current TV. infoMania is a half-hour satirical news show that airs on Current TV. The show puts a comedic spin on the 24-hour chaos and information overload brought about by the constant bombardment of the media. Hosted by Conor Knighton and co-starring Brett Erlich, Sarah Haskins, Ben Hoffman, Bryan Safi and Sergio Cilli, the show airs on Thursdays at 10 pm Eastern and Pacific Times and can be found online at http://current.com/infomania/ or on Current TV. And make sure to check out our facebook profile for special features at http://facebook.com/infomania . added by: bryan_safi

Behind the "Baklavacalypse"

Here's a behind-the-scenes look at the newest, most intense pastry competition show to hit television! The entire infoMania crew was in on the baking, and even in the middle of extreme dessert drama, it was hard for some of them to keep a straight face. infoMania is a half-hour satirical news show that airs on Current TV. The show puts a comedic spin on the 24-hour chaos and information overload brought about by the constant bombardment of the media. Hosted by Conor Knighton and co-starring Brett Erlich, Erin Gibson, Ben Hoffman, Bryan Safi and Sergio Cilli, the show airs on Thursdays at 10/9c on Current TV. Go to http://current.com/infomania for more, and make sure to check out our Facebook profile for special features at http://facebook.com/infomania . added by: Conor_Knighton