Tag Archives: updates-fans

Gabby Douglas Updates Fans On Health (And It Sounds Painful)

Fans wanted to know why Gabby Douglas missed Sunday’s VMAs, where her four teammates presented Beyonce with a Moon Man for Best Female Video. It turns out that Douglas is battling a mouth infection that landed her back in the hospital Sunday, her rep told People . “Gabby is back in the hospital tonight being treated for a seriously infected past mouth injury.  She continues to have deep swelling and adverse reactions to medication.”   Last night, Douglas was feeling well enough to let fans know that she’s on the road to recovery, but it’s been a bit of a painful journey. “Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that I’m doing ok” Douglas wrote on Instagram alongside a picture of herself in a dentist’s chair. “I had a complication from a prior injury that caused a cyst to grow on a bone in my mouth. “Got it removed and feeling much better now! “Thanks for all your concerns and prayers  and HUGE thank you to the doctors that have taken care of me these last four days! #ontheroadtorecovery #butIstillgottagetthesewisdomteethout” Douglas’ teammates – Aly Raisman, Simone Biles, Madison Kocian and Laurie Hernandez – missed their girl, but knew it was best for her to stay home (and good thing, too, since she had to be hospitalized again). “I think she’s feeling a little better, but she’s staying home as a precaution,” Biles told People on the red carpet Sunday night. “We’re sad she couldn’t be here to enjoy this with us. We miss her!” Hernandez told Entertainment Tonight that though the growth needed to be closely watched, Douglas is going to pull through . “It’s a little bit swollen, but we hope she can get better soon because we wish she could be here with us,” she said. Get well soon, Gabby! Final Five Play Hungry Hungry Human on The Tonight Show

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Gabby Douglas Updates Fans On Health (And It Sounds Painful)

Kylie Jenner Updates Fans on Bed-Ridden Khloe: "I Can’t See Her Yet"

Before she presented alongside Gigi Hadid at last night’s American Music Awards, Kylie Jenner Instagram’d a throwback in honor of  Khloe Kardashian .

Kylie Jenner Updates Fans on Bed-Ridden Khloe: "I Can’t See Her Yet"