Tag Archives: urinal-photo

Weekday Vegetarian: Cool Down with a Sorrel Salad with Creamy Chive Dressing

We are now into our third day in a row of temperatures in the over 90F range. Walking the dog at 6:30 am proved to be too hot for us both. It’s hard to get up the energy to cook anything, and it’s hard to get up the energy to eat as well. Easy salads seem to be the thing, but that can get boring pretty quickly, so I wanted to try some new greens. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

See the original post here:
Weekday Vegetarian: Cool Down with a Sorrel Salad with Creamy Chive Dressing

Popup Pissoir Solves Wee Problem

Urilift What is the perfect thing if you are sitting at your pop-up table and having a beer or three? A pop-up urinal! In a lot of older cities, there is a shortage of toilets and a surplus of beer. The result often is public peeing. But if we are going to have vibrant (and sweet smelling) cities, we have to deal with these kinds of issues. One answer is the UriLift , with three stainless steel urinals that pop up at the push of a button. Springwise tells … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Popup Pissoir Solves Wee Problem