Tag Archives: vagina-because

Emily Ratakowski Amazing Twitter Pic of the Day

Emily Ratakowski is a model who is on the cusp of being a porn slut, in a good way, not in an actual porn slut who is broken, with daddy issues and drug addiction, trying to get ahead, because she doesn’t actually fuck on camera, she just gets naked all the fucking time, I’ve seen her vagina more than I’ve seen my mom’s vagina and my mom was a hooker and we had a studio apartment…sure my mom died when I was a kid, but in those 5 years her vagina was exposed 90 percent of the time, okay maybe my mom vagina reference wasn’t a good one, and maybe I’ve seen Emity RATATATATATTATAATKOWSKI’s vagina because I tattooed in on my brain, you know printed up pictures of it and wall papered my bedroom with it…you know maybe cuz I’m staring at it right now, because it is perfect…and so is Emily, that is why I have fallen in love with her, and can’t look at any other girl, at least not right now, when staring this twitter pic, because she’s got me trapped, sucked in and willing to sign my life over to her. Seriously. I’d do more than just write love songs for her, I’d even hide in her basement to surprise her when she’s sleeping, to sing them to her. She’s that good.

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Emily Ratakowski Amazing Twitter Pic of the Day

Emily Ratakowski Amazing Twitter Pic of the Day

Emily Ratakowski is a model who is on the cusp of being a porn slut, in a good way, not in an actual porn slut who is broken, with daddy issues and drug addiction, trying to get ahead, because she doesn’t actually fuck on camera, she just gets naked all the fucking time, I’ve seen her vagina more than I’ve seen my mom’s vagina and my mom was a hooker and we had a studio apartment…sure my mom died when I was a kid, but in those 5 years her vagina was exposed 90 percent of the time, okay maybe my mom vagina reference wasn’t a good one, and maybe I’ve seen Emity RATATATATATTATAATKOWSKI’s vagina because I tattooed in on my brain, you know printed up pictures of it and wall papered my bedroom with it…you know maybe cuz I’m staring at it right now, because it is perfect…and so is Emily, that is why I have fallen in love with her, and can’t look at any other girl, at least not right now, when staring this twitter pic, because she’s got me trapped, sucked in and willing to sign my life over to her. Seriously. I’d do more than just write love songs for her, I’d even hide in her basement to surprise her when she’s sleeping, to sing them to her. She’s that good.

See the original post here:
Emily Ratakowski Amazing Twitter Pic of the Day

Paris Hilton’s Ridiculous Stage Performance of the Day

Seeing Paris Hilton in her racing suit wasn’t enough Paris Hilton for one day….you know since she’s disappeared the last couple years from being burnt out from being famous for nothing…but more importantly, because we lost interest in her. Paris Hilton is like a tranny, addicted to cock, addicted to being the center of attention, not worried about being tacky or trashy, acting all glamorous and glittery, while looking hard faced and cheap, only I know she has a vagina because I have seen it a bunch of times from various states of getting penis inside her to just casually getting out of her car….so being a tranny can’t be the explanation behind this embarrassing low budget burlesque show she’s putting on in Spain….but being cheesy, mainstream, boring and obvious probably clearly can…..and the worst thing in all this is that I’d totally tongue fuck her during an outbreak cuz I’ll stick my mouth in anything…I just can’t understand how Paris Hilton isn’t a gay man..It really fucks with my head..but not as much as her bloated 30 year old coke body…. If you want to see the shitty videos of the shitty event – you can check out youtube HERE , I did the work for you already… Here are the pics of her in some drugged out party monster disco bullshit that isn’t hot, but that is very very funny….

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Paris Hilton’s Ridiculous Stage Performance of the Day

Paris Hilton’s Ridiculous Stage Performance of the Day

Seeing Paris Hilton in her racing suit wasn’t enough Paris Hilton for one day….you know since she’s disappeared the last couple years from being burnt out from being famous for nothing…but more importantly, because we lost interest in her. Paris Hilton is like a tranny, addicted to cock, addicted to being the center of attention, not worried about being tacky or trashy, acting all glamorous and glittery, while looking hard faced and cheap, only I know she has a vagina because I have seen it a bunch of times from various states of getting penis inside her to just casually getting out of her car….so being a tranny can’t be the explanation behind this embarrassing low budget burlesque show she’s putting on in Spain….but being cheesy, mainstream, boring and obvious probably clearly can…..and the worst thing in all this is that I’d totally tongue fuck her during an outbreak cuz I’ll stick my mouth in anything…I just can’t understand how Paris Hilton isn’t a gay man..It really fucks with my head..but not as much as her bloated 30 year old coke body…. If you want to see the shitty videos of the shitty event – you can check out youtube HERE , I did the work for you already… Here are the pics of her in some drugged out party monster disco bullshit that isn’t hot, but that is very very funny….

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Paris Hilton’s Ridiculous Stage Performance of the Day