Tag Archives: vagina-works

Chelsea Leyland Topless in Miami of the Day

Chelsea Leyland is some hipster in Miami for Art Basel, where she went topless, because Miami is the topless beach of America – where America can feel Euro – and perverts can go see tits – because the conservatives don’t bring down a good thing – despite being in Florida – which means they are likely jacked up on weird street drugs and walking around half naked trying to eat homeless people after all them bath salts….Florida is a crazy place and Art Basel is the lame, social media model hub, of brushing shoulders with all the celebrities and rich people at exclusive parties that mean nothing – because we live in this weird grey area of what is pop culture…everything is accessible…to everyone…. THAT said, Chelsea Leyland is some DJ…with tits…probably an artist – because every rich kid is an artist – doing the scene hard…while trying to get you hard…with EMPOWERED hipster titties… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Chelsea Leyland Topless in Miami of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Originally posted here:
Chelsea Leyland Topless in Miami of the Day

JoJo Levesque in a See Through Shirt of the Day

Jojo Levesque is the mystery Jailbait from an era of long ago who is no longer jailbait…because she’s old but she was jailbait piece of meat perverts jerked off to before she turned 18….even though she was never really hot….because Americans fucking love under 18 year old girls… She’s obviously back on the scene trying to get some attention, unless wearing a bra for the paparazzi has nothing to do with trying to get attention and everything to do with style…of showing your big jailbait that is too old to be jailbait…but that was jailbait tits…that quit when they were at the top to date black guys…bad girl…because the white dudes who were into her – are fucking racists…. TITTIES IN A BRA… The post JoJo Levesque in a See Through Shirt of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Go here to see the original:
JoJo Levesque in a See Through Shirt of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio Pussy Slip of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio is a Brazilian model, best known for her work with Victoria’s Secret. She’s 35 years old and a mom but still brings it and by it – I mean her vagina sneaking out of the panties – that I doubt are even Victoria’s Secret panties – since those cause yeast infections – even if this is for the Victoria’s Secret after party – because it’s got a mind of it’s own, or maybe it’s exploded with all the babies – all over the fucking place – because that’s how sugar baby model vagina works…it explodes….I read it on a fake news site… The post Alessandra Ambrosio Pussy Slip of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Read more from the original source:
Alessandra Ambrosio Pussy Slip of the Day