Tag Archives: walmart-buying

Cara Delevingne for La Perla of the Day

Cara Delevingne is the biggest model right now. The “It” girl that is overly hyped and for the average person not that great…maybe even average…all the companies are taking her on and booking her to be their star…because that’s what being an “It” girl is all about…even if you’re not impressed by her, no one cares what your white trash ass thinks, go back to staring at pics and digging for porn on your phone while your wife is out at walmart buying pork rinds with your ugly half retarded kids…

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Cara Delevingne for La Perla of the Day

J.Lo Upskirt in Argentina of the Day

I think Jennifer Lopez’s biggest achievement besides making a lot of money from nothing, or so she claims, but I think fucking celebrity dudes, counts for coming from something, if making it in entertainment is your hustle….if you know what I mean….is her ability to be a hispanic mother of two and not, despite everything her genes want her to be doing, is not 500 pounds and in line at walmart buying pork rinds…. I think the biggest lie about J.Lo was that her ass was ever anything amazing like a Kardashian, but more importantly, that she was the most Beautiful woman last year, coinciding with an album release, in what we call an ADVERTORIAL with People magazine… But if you’re like me and love looking at middled aged women in SPANX, hoding their shit together, by looking up their skirts…Then this J.Lo’s for you…..otherwise, you’re better off looking at whatever is growing in Katy Perry’s uterus trying to crawl out of her but getting stuck in her Pantyhose..upskirt… .that I posted earlier… TO See The Rest of the Pics Follow This Link

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J.Lo Upskirt in Argentina of the Day

Nicki Minaj Ridiculous Outfit of the Day

Turns out the Lady Gaga hustle is equally annoying when it is done by a black chick, because when the black chick does it, she looks like she’s copying Lady Gaga, in trying to be a “creative” “innovative” performing artist, which is funny, cuz Lady Gaga is full of shit to begin with….making this bitch the fucking worst thing to hit pop culture…not to mention she’s too fat for leotards, she needs to be in a sweat suit in line at walmart buying her kids with different dad’s diapers…no racist….she’s just got that look…you know when you look past how hard she’s trying…

The rest is here:
Nicki Minaj Ridiculous Outfit of the Day