Tag Archives: water-supplies

Southeast US In As Much Water Trouble As Desert Southwest

Photo by James “Tre” Hayes via Flickr Creative Commons It’s usually the southwestern US that makes the news for its water woes, what with its deserts climates and high populations. However, researchers state that the southeast is in just as much trouble when it comes to having adequate water supplies for future years. From issues to storing enough water, to reduced rainfall and more frequent droughts, the southeastern states are likely to feel the water crunch in the very near future. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Southeast US In As Much Water Trouble As Desert Southwest

USGS Confirms Himalayan Glaciers Are Melting & Climate Change is to Blame

Small debris-free plateau glacier with glacier lakes at Gangrinchemzoe Pass at 5,200 m, south of the main Himalayan divide, Bhutan. Photo via USGS In case you were convinced otherwise by the quasi-scandal of ‘Himalayagate’ earlier in the year: The US Geological Survey has released a new report on the state of glacier retreat in the Himalaya and it makes perfectly clear the situation, “Many of Asia’s glaciers are retreating as a result of climate change. This retreat impacts water supplies to millions of people, increases the likelihood of outburst floods that threaten life and proper… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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USGS Confirms Himalayan Glaciers Are Melting & Climate Change is to Blame

Study Shows Haves and Have-Nots in World Water Supply

Photo via Jaymi Heimbuch British-based risk consultancy Maplecroft has released a new report showing which countries have the most precarious and stable water supplies. The report is intended to help guide investors, underscoring just how serious water supply is getting when it comes to the world economy. From farming to manufacturing, investors in various industries are starting to seriously weigh where they put their money based on how secure water supplies are or will be, and companies with interests in areas with unstable water supplies are having to put water ef… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Study Shows Haves and Have-Nots in World Water Supply

Green Eyes On: Atrazine Higher in June – Watch Out Midwesterners!

Guest blogger Sara Snow is a green lifestyle expert and board member for Discovery’s 24/7 future-forward network Planet Green. I saw on my local news station’s website and recently in The Organic Center’s newsletter, The Scoop, warnings about The “June Effect.” The definition: Relatively high levels of the corn herbicide atrazine are present in Midwestern water supplies in June, following the spring spray season, triggering an increase in birth defects among children born nine months later. Source: “Atrazine Co… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Green Eyes On: Atrazine Higher in June – Watch Out Midwesterners!