Tag Archives: wears-fitness

Lindsay Lohan’s Pregnant Bikini Pics of the Day

Lindsay Lohan is pregnant in a bikini, which is probably why she had her public outrage on the internet. She’s an abused girl from a broken home – who despite being rich and famous was broken as fuck – so even when she’s not hormonal she’s a crazy person – so when she is hormonal and probably not allowed to drink – she’s a super fucking crazy person – and what better way to announce your pregnancy to the world like having a public freak out, only to decompress in a bikini with your gunt hanging out as the fetus grows outwards….and the only concern for me isn’t how shitty this kid’s life will be with its terrible mother and rich as fuck father…I don’t care about that…plus it will probably die before it turns 5…that or shipped to Disney who have first right of refusal on her kid… I am just concerned because it looks like her fiance beat her ass of of her…but I guess her milk filled tits will be fun though… So here’s some Lohan in a bikini with her parasite / STD reveal far more fun then her Herpes reveal.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Lindsay Lohan’s Pregnant Bikini Pics of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lindsay Lohan’s Pregnant Bikini Pics of the Day

Ashley Benson Sweaty Back of the Day

I know what you’re thinking – Ashley Benson doesn’t have a thigh gap – despite being a celebrity who gets cast for very popular TV shows – and who has millions of followers…..what an absurd concept to an old timer like me – who depends on girls on TV, unless they play the average at best fat chick, who isn’t even FAT but is Hollywood fat, like Ashley Benson…but long gone are the days of that… But at least she wears fitness gear like all kind of fat girls I see in public and question why they are in fitness gear because clearly they don’t workout but realize that it is because it’s the comfortable elasticity that allows movement and stretch…. You can tell that Benson is a Hollywood girl, all theatrical because she’s even gone so far as to add sweat stains that look like some kind of scream mask – because she’s terrifying… At least she’s trying, in this era, trying half assed is more than most lazy people and gets a lot of praise…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Ashley Benson Sweaty Back of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ashley Benson Sweaty Back of the Day