Tag Archives: weird-mistress

Happy Birthday, John Edwards!

Former U.S. Senator and Presidential candidate John Edwards turns 57 today. The disgraced politician has given us at least that may absurd stories in recent years. Celebrity sex scandals have become common, and the political realm is no exception. But Edwards’ stands out as the most ridiculous of all time for two reasons: He knocked up Rielle Hunter while running for president . Unlike Tiger Woods or Jesse James, his entire career hinged on the public’s opinion of him. He sabotaged himself beyond the point of redemption, an almost impossible feat. Even Bill Clinton, who was impeached , largely repaired his image. Guess when you cheat on your cancer-stricken wife, impregnate your weird mistress, make a sex tape with her, pay her hush money out of campaign coffers, and lie through your teeth about it all repeatedly to the public, there’s no going back. Happy birthday, John! You disgust us, but thanks for the material!

Originally posted here:
Happy Birthday, John Edwards!

Rielle Hunter to Sit Down with Oprah

Rielle Hunter’s 15 minutes of fame are going for some kind of record. Her story will simply never die, with Oprah Winfrey the latest to help her milk it. She’s shown John Edwards a big o-face. Now she’s coming face-to-face with the Big O. It was revealed last night that Oprah scored the first TV interview with John Edwards’ weird mistress, a report confirmed Tuesday by the Big O’s production company. The date for the interview has not yet been announced, nor has her wardrobe for the sit-down. We’re hoping for that pearl necklace from those hot GQ pictures again. She’s a classy one, that Rielle. Rielle Hunter and Oprah: An interview not to be missed. For whatever reason, Rielle Hunter was apparently courted by both Barbara Walters and Diane Sawyer as well, but ultimately went with Oprah, reportedly because she felt O “was more spiritual and would get her.” She’s a spiritual one, that Rielle. It’s unclear whether she will discuss the details of the John Edwards sex tape, how she slept with a famous married politician and pulled the goalie to cash in, whether he provided her with campaign hush money, or what her future holds. Regardless, we’re waiting for Elizabeth Edwards to kill her .

Continued here:
Rielle Hunter to Sit Down with Oprah