Tag Archives: were-sentenced

Pussy Riot Reaction: Stars Express Shock, Black Keys to Boycott Russia

Three members of the Russian group Pussy Riot were sentenced to multiple years in prion yesterday. Their crime? Calling out President Vladimir Putin during a March performance in Russia. Now, various stars and musicians are responding to the punishment, with one well-known band vowing to never play in Russia again. Here is a rundown of reactions: Black Keys drummer Patrick Carney : “FYI. We will never being playing a show in Russia as long as they imprison innocent musicians for speaking their minds peacefully.” Mischa Barton : “I can’t believe sentencing #pussyriot to2 yrs in jail.as someone who lived in Moscow and has filmed& seen inside the jails my heart goes out.” Kate Walsh : “What a massive disappointment for Russia: imprisoning pussyriot?? Shame on you.” Bill Maher: “Solidarity shout-out to #PussyRiot! I signed a petition in support! Then I found out it was a band,” he tweeted, along with, “I see #MittRomney and #PaulRyan have taken to calling themselves America’s Comeback Team. Cuz #PussyRiot was taken.” Paul McCartney : “I and many others like me who believe in free speech will do everything in our power to support you and the idea of artistic freedom.”

See the original post:
Pussy Riot Reaction: Stars Express Shock, Black Keys to Boycott Russia

New York Judge stops sale of Sarah Palin condoms

New York – Although still available online, a judge in New York has put an end to the sales of condoms adorned with images of either Sarah Palin or President Obama sold by two street vendors in New York — the men have been condemned to a day of community service. Two unlicensed street vendors have been told to stop selling Barack Obama and Sarah Palin condoms in the streets of New York. While the men claimed that their products contained political messages, which should exempt the vendors from needing an appropriate license, the judge saw things differently and ruled that selling condoms was pure business. The men got off with a slap on the wrist, though, because they were sentenced to merely one day of community service — very little considering they had been selling the goofy condoms for about two years. The story has been reported in the New York Daily News, yet it is Politico who supplies us with the information that the condoms are still available online, at this dedicated website. The Palin version features a photograph of the ex Alaska governor in front of a caribou, beneath the slogan “When abortion is not an option,” while the Obama package shows a portrait of the president with the text “ultimate stimulus package”, yet also warning that “hope is not a form of protection.” I don't see how this is illegal, they are both political figures. added by: toyotabedzrock

Supreme Court to review cases of juveniles sentenced to life in prison

Lawyers for two Florida men who were sentenced to life without parole as juveniles will argue to the U.S. Supreme Court Monday that the penalty is cruel and unusual

See original here:
Supreme Court to review cases of juveniles sentenced to life in prison