Tag Archives: whether-the-man

Missing Black Man Found Hanging From Tree In Mississippi

Mississippi Man Found Hanging From Tree A Mississipi man, missing for over a month, was just found hanging by his neck from a tree in the woods behind his home. Authorities are still unclear as to whether the man’s death was a suicide or a murder — or who would have reason to kill him in such a manner. Via CNN : The hanging death of an African-American man who had been missing since early this month and was found Thursday by local authorities in Mississippi has drawn the scrutiny of the FBI and the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division. The sheriff’s office in Claiborne County, Mississippi, had organized a search for the man, who had been missing since March 2 and was reported missing March 8. Authorities found the body hanging from a tree in the woods behind the residence where he had been living. It is unclear if it is a suicide, or if the man was killed by someone. A law enforcement official says the man found hanging is believed to be 54-year-old Otis Byrd, who has been missing since earlier this month. According to the Mississippi Department of Corrections, Byrd was convicted in 1980 for murdering a woman. He was paroled in 2006. We will keep you posted on this story as more developments arise. CNN

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Missing Black Man Found Hanging From Tree In Mississippi

Aaron Hernandez Involved in Nightclub Altercation, Gun Seized By Cops

New England Patriots star Aaron Hernandez, who is being investigated in a homicide case, recently got into a nightclub altercation that involved a gun. Hernandez, who is separately being sued by a man who alleges Hernandez shot him in the face , was part of a skirmish at a Providence, R.I., club. According to a May 18 police report, the NFL star was being harassed for several blocks by the subject, who yelled, “(Expletive) the Patriots. I’m a Jets fan.” So original. Fearing the situation would escalate, police intervened and detained several subjects who were following Hernandez to his vehicle, the report states. Police allowed Hernandez to leave the scene, then spotted a “heavy-set black male” discarding a firearm under a vehicle. The man fled the scene. Officials seized the weapon, a .22-caliber Jimenez with several cartridges. The report does not say whether the man was with Hernandez, but it appears as if the football star was not a stranger to potentially troubling situation.

Aaron Hernandez Involved in Nightclub Altercation, Gun Seized By Cops

Newark Airport Incident Reveals Obvious Security Flaw

While we debate the merits of intrusive screening methods, some guy at Newark International Airport foiled TSA with the ingenious plot of walking the wrong way through the exit of a terminal checkpoint. The terminal is on lock-down. According to CNN Police are seeking the individual, who walked from the public side to the sterile side, said TSA spokeswoman Anne Davis

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Newark Airport Incident Reveals Obvious Security Flaw