Tag Archives: white-families

Angry Bird Beef: Kenya Moore Says She Made Porsha Stewart Relevant By ‘Riding Her Coattails’ And Porsha Claps Back!

Kenya vs. Porsha round 293885600! Kenya Moore Says She Made Porsha Stewart Relevant In New Interview RHOA star Kenya Moore did a recent interview with Enstarz about the hit reality show and discussed her nemesis Porsha Stewart’s recent relevancy after the show and she credits herself for that popularity! GP: What did you think about Porsha’s demotion, for no longer getting a peach this season? Kenya Moore: Um, honestly I don’t have any thoughts about it. GP: Well, I respect that! You’re definitely turning a new corner, this season. I think that’s great. Kenya Moore: Well, it’s not necessarily a new corner. It’s just that I’ve made people relevant on this show for negative occurrences and I’m just not doing that anymore. I think people need to stand on their own two feet and not ride my coattails, and you see when they don’t ride my coattails, they don’t get very far. GP: What do you think is the biggest misconception about you? Now that we’ve seen you for a few seasons on RHOA people think they know you very well from the show. Kenya Moore: I’d see sometimes, early on, that I was being called a “mean girl.” I think it’s very clear that I don’t start trouble, trouble tries to find me and I sort of end arguments. I don’t start them. I think that the viewers have clearly seen that from season one to two. The other thing is about this whole going after someone’s man or things like that… I’ve never been interested in anyone’s man, husband, boyfriend and I’m actually that girl you want to have around if you have a boyfriend or a man or a husband, because I’m so not interested. I am the one, that if they come to me I send them back home basically saying, “You know you have no chance over here.” I’m a real girl’s girl. I love to support other women. I love beautiful women. I love confident women. Throughout my years of being a personality, I think that speaks for itself about me in terms of relationships with my boyfriends who have all been very quiet about me. I’ve never had a reputation in that regard. Porsha quickly clapped back at Kenya on Dish Nation : “She can’t be talking about me. You have to be doing something for somebody to be riding your coattails, right? Like, you’ve gotta be doing something and on the way to progression for somebody to be riding your coattails… That’s what I thought. Do you think Kenya made Porsha popular??

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Angry Bird Beef: Kenya Moore Says She Made Porsha Stewart Relevant By ‘Riding Her Coattails’ And Porsha Claps Back!

Knifed Up Or Nah? Kylie Jenner Posts Then Deletes Photo Of Her Pleasantly Plump Pucker

Tyga’s “homegirl” is whylinnnn… Kylie Jenner Deletes Picture Of Her Full Lips In between jet setting overseas with Tyga , Kylie Jenner is snapping selfies of her possibly knifed up lips. The youngest Jenner recently posted then deleted the below photo of her pleasantly pump pucker that may or may not have been fresh from injections. You like?????? Isn’t it kind of obvious now that Kylie is indeed knifed up???? Instagram

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Knifed Up Or Nah? Kylie Jenner Posts Then Deletes Photo Of Her Pleasantly Plump Pucker