Tag Archives: will-believe

Is This The Real Reason T.I. And Tiny Fell Out?


Nope…naw and flat out no! We don’t want to hear this and we will believe it when we see it…but it is being reported by…

Is This The Real Reason T.I. And Tiny Fell Out?

Courtney Stodden is Not 16, But She is in a Bikini of the Day

Courtney Stodden pretending she’s a 16 year old child bride is not the sick thing, because she looks like she’s pushing 35. The sick thing is that the american public want to believe she’s 16, watching her in her bikini, showing off her tits, even Dr Drew or some other asshole who sold his soul to the TV Devil, checked out her tits to make sure they weren’t implants, in some really twisted, something that should have never have happened and would never have happened if she was in fact 16….but you’re a bunch of idiots and will believe any usesless scandal…..ridiculous. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US

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Courtney Stodden is Not 16, But She is in a Bikini of the Day

Rihanna’s Rockstar Video of the Day

Rihanna has a new video that dropped today. I don’t find it hot…but I don’t really find her hot anymore. I think she should be makin’ roti at a local Barbado beach stand for fat white British people, and not making hits. I don’t know how it happened, I do know that she’s not a good singer, she’s not even a good dancer, she’s not really even hot, and we’ve all been manipulated by her marketing people. I am a firm believer in sending her back home to the islands where she can get back to working in tourism by cleaning villas and not letting her milk us anymore than she already has…but for those of you still hooked on her, here’s her shitty new video called Rockstar, cuz her marketing people realize if they say she’s a Rockstar we will believe it cuz we are fucking morons….enjoy To Watch the Video Follow This Link GO

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Rihanna’s Rockstar Video of the Day

Daisy Of Love Finalists- Part 3: London | SargeNation.com

Thus when he came back there was little doubt that she will believe he actually cares about her enough to come back.br /br / Watching the natural chemistry between Daisy and London was one of the more interesting things about the show, …

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Daisy Of Love Finalists- Part 3: London | SargeNation.com