Tag Archives: will-inevitably

Rihanna’s Concert Nipple Ring Flash of the Day

I don’t know when this picture was taken, but I am assuming on her tour, when on stage, and not when she’s out getting wasted on boats, where she usually shows more than just her nipple ring, because she’s all about putting herself out there, it’s the first sign of losing her fucking mind, something that will inevitably happen, a human from a small island just can’t handle this kind of power, and every day she gets a little more and more nutty, and I get a little more and more into Rihanna, cuz crazy bitches, especially when rich and famous, excite me as they reach the edge of the cliff they are about to fall hard off of… Remember Whitney Houston? Where is she now. Exactly…Tormented talent with everything available to them, never know how to bow out gracefully, and Rihanna doesn’t even have talent, making the whole thing that much more amazing…in a redemption is bitter sweet kid of way…you underserving twat…kind of way…here is her nipple on stage kind of way… To See a Whole Lot of Pics of Rihanna on Tour FOLLOW THIS LINK

See the original post here:
Rihanna’s Concert Nipple Ring Flash of the Day

Did You Know: Study Shows Black Men Get 20% Longer Prison Time Than White Men For Commiting The Same Crime

Are you surprised? According to a new study by the U.S. Sentencing Commission, prison sentences handed out to black men in the past seven years have been almost 20% longer than sentences given to white men for the same crimes. Black Men Get Longer Prison Time Than White Men Via WSJ reports: In the two years after the [2005 US v Booker ruling, which gave federal judges more discretion in sentencing], sentences of blacks were on average 15.2% longer than the sentences of similarly situated whites, according to the Sentencing Commission report. Between December 2007 and September 2011, the most recent period covered in the report, sentences of black males were 19.5% longer than those for whites. The analysis also found that black males were 25% less likely than whites in the same period to receive a sentence below the guidelines’ range. There’s a quandary, though. Since judges have been allowed to use their own discretion more in sentencing, black men are receiving harsher sentences. But when judges did have to follow sentencing guidelines, those guidelines did things like impose far stronger penalties for crack than for powder cocaine—meaning black men tended to receive harsher sentences. It’s almost as if, no matter which way you look at it, black men will inevitably be screwed by the US criminal justice system. Nothing new to the Black community…

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Did You Know: Study Shows Black Men Get 20% Longer Prison Time Than White Men For Commiting The Same Crime

North Koreans dare to protest as devaluation wipes out savings

Rush for dollars and Chinese yuan after Kim Jong-il's surprise move to reassert control over economy. (click on the link for the full article) _______________________________ This is a very interesting development – this dark economic cloud could possibly contain a silver lining for the future of the people of North Korea, although the possible transition will inevitably have to go through considerable amounts of pain, violence, abuses and even deaths.

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North Koreans dare to protest as devaluation wipes out savings